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Volunteers help prepare the Tavrida Art Cluster for the next creative season

Volunteers help prepare the Tavrida Art Cluster for the next creative season

CrimeaPRESS reports:

From January 27 to February 3, volunteers from student teams of Crimea actively help in cleaning coastal areas, landscaping and decorating creative areas in the Tavrida Art Cluster. Volunteer assistance takes place within the framework of the Republican patriotic action “Crimean Student Landing of the Republic of North Ossetia”, in which more than 500 people took part in Crimea. This year, for the first time, in addition to students from leading universities on our peninsula, students from schools and colleges are taking part in the labor landing.

The participants of the action emphasize the high importance of their work on the most creative platform in the country. In their opinion, this helps the development of cultural life both in Crimea and beyond. Volunteer assistance will allow us to qualitatively prepare the sites of the Tavrida Art Cluster for the new creative season.

Labor volunteering is a wonderful example of social activity and patriotism of young people. Labor landings help unite young people around important cultural and socially significant values. In Taurida, with our work we contribute to the development of the cultural life of both Crimea and the country. At the same time, the participation of students in the labor landing helps to develop the ability to work in a team, and it is also an excellent example of how young people can actively participate in public life and contribute to the development of their region, — Dmitry Yakushev, commissar of the headquarters of student detachments of the Crimean Federal University named after. IN AND. Vernadsky.

source: Information and photos provided by the press service of the Crimean regional branch of the International Public Organization “Russian Student Teams”

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