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We need more fines! We need more cameras on the roads! You have to buckle up!

We need more fines! We need more cameras on the roads! You have to buckle up!

CrimeaPRESS reports:

What other “November slogan” could I add to the title? Do you need to follow traffic rules? Should traffic rules be tightened and fines increased? Do we need to raise prices for gasoline and compulsory motor insurance? Do you need to fill the city streets with hundreds of training cars (nothing personal, business)? Do we need to replenish the budgets with our fines (plural, because the money goes to different “recipients”, including private companies — “assistants” of the traffic police)? Feel free to add.

By the way, information for those who have not yet “changed their shoes.” From December 1, the traffic police will begin to fine drivers for wearing summer tires in winter. The new fine came into force in September and can be applied in all regions of the country, including the Krasnodar Territory and Crimea. Portal AUTO RU told how exactly the new norm will work.

Fines for tires.

So, from the first day of winter, traffic police inspectors on the roads will begin to monitor the action new item from the list of faults, under which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited. Amendments to document entered into force on September 1. Winter tires must be installed on the car from December to February inclusive, and summer tires — from June to the end of August. Otherwise, the driver will be issued a fine of 500 rubles under clause 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and an order to eliminate the violation. However, the law does not prohibit using a car with friction (studless) tires in the summer.

If stopped again on summer tires in winter, the motorist may be charged under Article 19.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses for disobedience to the actions of a police officer, which threatens arrest for up to 15 days. Such punishment is rarely used, but cases of arrests have already been repeatedly recorded in the regions, albeit for other violations. For example, for refusing to remove the tint or for driving without compulsory motor insurance.

In addition to the seasonality of the wheels, you can also receive a fine for poor tread condition, as well as for other violations. For example, punishment awaits those who do not install winter tires on all wheels. Trucks and buses without all-wheel drive and with summer tires are required to have snow chains on board. They will also be punished for insufficient tread depth and defects on the tires, which the inspector can determine visually: plugs instead of valves, punctures, cuts, delaminations, visible cord or swelling. A fine can also be issued for the absence of at least one nut or bolt securing the disks, as well as for damage to the disks themselves (cracks, gluing, welding).

Many auto experts believe that fines for tires will become a problem for the Krasnodar Territory and Crimea. It is no secret that in the southern regions many drivers do not change their tires at all, although snow falls there from time to time, which becomes a big problem. In addition, the new fine will be an incentive for the development of small businesses (“golden” tire fitting in November).

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Traffic police officers in the Krasnodar Territory and Crimea have already promised that they will not turn a blind eye to tire violations and will release violators without a fine. Therefore, motorists from the southern regions should prepare in advance for the winter season, and not wait for troubles on the road.

Fines for «belt».

They definitely don’t forgive you for wearing a seat belt in Crimea.

It seems quite recently Cameras were installed (reconfigured) on the peninsula to record violations such as “not wearing a seat belt.” And look, in Crimea, drivers have already been issued more than 8,000 fines in the amount of one thousand rubles specifically for not fastening their seat belts. About this on air «Radio Crimea» said the head of the Center for Automated Recording of Administrative Offenses of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for the Republic of Crimea, Dmitry Leontyev.

Today, 22 cameras that record unfastened seat belts operate on some regional and municipal roads, as well as at nine intersections in Simferopol. As Leontyev explained, video cameras with this option appeared on the most dangerous sections of the road so that “increase the safety factor of drivers and passengers«.

There is no purpose in stamping out fines. We just want to prevent dangerous situations and force people to buckle up. This is important and can really save a life at the right time. Therefore, we install cameras exclusively in those places where the most people died in road accidentsLeontyev explained, clarifying that so far fines are recorded only for unbelted drivers.

According to him, fines for passengers without a belt in the front seat are just in the plans.

As Leontiev said, cameras installed in the city and outside the city limits record approximately the same number of violators without a belt — “since, often, these are the same people who do not follow safety rules regardless of the area«

At the same time, during the entire period of validity of the new option, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate TsAFAP received only 10 requests to revise the fine decision, because the camera technology is very accurate — 25 frames are taken per second, which are then checked by a computer program.

All photographs are high resolution. The photo is an overview, the presence or absence of a belt is clearly visible. Photos are included with the fines, so no one has any questions.said Leontyev.

We need more fines! We need more cameras on the roads! You have to buckle up!

PySy. Currently, 600 (!) cameras are installed on the roads of Crimea to photograph traffic violations, and there are plans to install 30 more.

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