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Which drug reduces the flu period faster than others?

Which drug reduces the flu period faster than others?

Krympress reports:

Experts have a clear answer

In most regions of the country, real spring came. However, March brought not only the spring mood — unfortunately, the March weather extremely favors the spread of viruses. According to scientists, the flu most actively manifests itself at –2 ° C to +4 ° C. This is noticeable and by the statistics of the incidence — the number of patients constantly increasespassing for a million cases a week.

Not all antivirus drugs are equally effective

Of particular concern is an increase in the share of influenza A (H1N1) — the infamous “pork flu”, which is characterized by a high level of infection and an increased risk of complications — pneumonia, meningitis, etc.

In the current epidemiological situation, it is necessary to pay maximum attention to preventive measures, and if the first symptoms appear, to quickly begin treatment. What methods of protection against viruses are most effective?

Antiviral drugs are a popular way of preventing and treating viral diseases. As explains the chief children’s allergist-immunologist of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region, MD Andrey Prodeus It is advisable to use such drugs for both preventive and therapeutic purposes, since they prevent the penetration of viruses into the cell, allow you to significantly reduce the risk of complications and reduce the duration of the disease.

Recently, a generalized analysis of numerous studies of antiviral drugs (73 studies, 34.5 thousand subjects) was published in the journal of the American Medical Association of Jama. The best result in the speed of eliminating the symptoms of influenza was shown by Umifenovir, which was better known as Arbidol, developed in our country, writes In second place is Balksavir, in the third — Oseltamivir. It should be noted that in Russia, only Umifenovir is released from this triple without a prescription. As noted by the famous doctor and TV presenter, MD Elena Malysheva, Results of research published in the United States Jama Network completely refute the myth of the inefficiency of the arbidol. Scientists have proven that he actively fights and wins not only the flu A and B, but also other infections — adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, and the light form of Covid.

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At the same time, the study showed that some previously popular flu products — such as, for example, Amantadins, have lost their former effectiveness. New varieties of influenza viruses were adapted to them.


Do not forget about the basic preventive rules — wash your hands with soap after returning home, wash your nose, disinfect gadgets and working surfaces.

Limit a visit to the places of a large accumulation of people and, especially, at a minimum contact with the sick. If you are still sick, then stay at home, do not go to work, to study, to visit until recovery. Do not risk the health of others.

IMPORTANT: Before using any drug, consult your attending physician!

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