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Winners of the Festival of Children's and Family Films «Sunny Island» announced in Evpatoria

Winners of the Festival of Children's and Family Films «Sunny Island» announced in Evpatoria

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In Evpatoria, the closing ceremony of the Open Festival of Children’s and Family Films «Sunny Island» took place. The event was attended by the Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Crimea Andrey Tereshchenko, the head of Evpatoria Emmilia Leonova and the head of the city administration Elena Demidova.

Winners of the Festival of Children's and Family Films

Andrey Tereshchenko presented special diplomas prepared by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea and the founder of the festival to a full-length animated film «Chink: Tailed Detective» directed by Grigory Vozhakin and feature film «Treasures of the Partisan Forest» directed by Yuri Ilyin.

Winners of the Festival of Children's and Family Films

The leaders of the city awarded the feature-length animated film «Choice of Yevpatoriya» with special audience awards “Koshchei. The Bride Kidnapper directed by Roman Artemyev and feature film «The Adventures of Little Baja» directed by Alexander Galibin.

Winners of the Festival of Children's and Family Films

Yevpatoria cinemas «Raketa» and «Kino Maximum» opened their doors wide for all festival days. The directorate of the festival established the prize «For the best video review», and its partners and directors of cinemas provided gifts — movie tickets for the winners of the competition. This prize was awarded for the first time in the six-year history of the festival and it was awarded to students of the 7th grade of the Evpatoria school No. 17, as well as Alexandra Kresheva, Alexander Lozovoy and Polina Kuzovleva.

Winners of the Festival of Children's and Family Films

Special jury diplomas were awarded to composers Georgy Zheryakov and Alexander Boyarsky «For the music for the full-length animated film The Barboskins Team» (directors Elena Galdobina and Fyodor Dmitriev), director Vasily Rovensky «For the unique selection of actors» in the full-length animated film «Cats of the Hermitage», the artist- director Alexander Khramtsov «For the creation of original images of characters» in the animated feature film «Koschey. The Bride Kidnapper (directed by Roman Artemyev), to director Andrey Bakhurin «For a fascinating story about the family traditions of the Jewish people» in the full-length animated film «The Secret Room», Daria Dontsova, Alexander Myshansky, Grigory Vozhakin, Andrey Zhitkov «For the fascinating dramatic solution of the full-length animated film Chink: Tailed Detective.

Winners of the Festival of Children's and Family Films

The special jury prize was awarded to the animated feature film Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf-5 directed by Konstantin Feoktistov.

Winners of the Festival of Children's and Family Films

Diploma «Best Animated Feature Film» and a statuette were awarded to the film «Koschei. Bride kidnapper.

Winners of the Festival of Children's and Family Films

Also special diplomas of the children’s jury were awarded to the feature films «Animation» directed by Sergei Seregin «For addressing a socially significant topic», composer Dmitry Dankov «For the music in the feature film «Treasures of the Partisan Forest» (directors Yuri Ilyin, Tatyana Firsova), director Alexander Galibin «For the vivid display of culture and folk traditions in the feature film «The Adventures of Little Baja», director and screenwriter Viktoria Fanasyutina «For the script for the feature film «Calendar May (I) and», directed by Sergei Seregin «For the ensemble cast in the feature feature film «Animation», cameraman Alexander Nosovsky «For filigree camera work in the feature film «Calendar May (ya) and.»

Winners of the Festival of Children's and Family Films

Vasilisa Nemtsova, the leading lady in the film Treasures of the Partisan Forest, won the Best Actress nomination, and young actor Vladislav Semiletkov won the Best Actor nomination for the lead role in the Animation film.

Winners of the Festival of Children's and Family Films

The jury unanimously chose the film “Ivan Semenov. School Trouble (directed by Anton Bogdanov).

Winners of the Festival of Children's and Family Films

The closing ceremony of the festival was accompanied by musical performances by artists of the Crimean State Philharmonic — Honored Artist of the Republic of Crimea Anna Us, laureates of international competitions Ekaterina Grinevich and Valentina Akulova, as well as the exemplary vocal ensemble City of Childhood, the dance studio Stolitsa and the exemplary dance school-studio Tais «.

Winners of the Festival of Children's and Family Films

Winners of the Festival of Children's and Family Films

Photos and materials: Press Service of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea, Public Relations and Media Department of the Yevpatoria Administration, Crimean Film and Media Center.

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