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Working trip of Sergei Aksenov to the villages of the Saki region

Working trip of Sergei Aksenov to the villages of the Saki region

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Head of the Republic of Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, completed his inspection of the Saki district, examining social and infrastructure facilities, educational, cultural and healthcare institutions.

Field work began in the village of Vinogradovo. Sergei Aksyonov noted that there were no appeals or complaints from local residents to the Head of the Republic of Crimea. As the head of the Saki district administration, Vladislav Khadzhiev, reported, the settlement has been gasified since 2015, and the water and energy supply systems have also been modernized.

The head of the Republic of Crimea visited the paramedic and midwife station and the Vinogradovskaya Secondary School, where one preschool education group operates. To cover the need for a kindergarten, it is proposed to organize the transportation of children to an institution located in the village of Stolbovoy after the road to it is completed.

The Vinogradov House of Culture is currently located in a former store, since the institution’s own building burned down in the past. In this regard, Sergei Aksyonov set the task of considering options for constructing a module for a recreation center, including selecting a land plot, by the end of the year. At the same time, it is necessary to install an air conditioner in the current room for heating and heating. The head of Crimea also promised to provide the House of Culture with musical equipment and stage costumes.

The Head of the Republic paid special attention to the condition of the streets in the village: before November 1, it is necessary to prepare a plan and make calculations for pothole repairs. Also, the district administration must, in the first quarter of 2025, complete all work both in Vinogradovo and in other settlements of the district to certify roads, grade them and fill them with crushed stone. At the same time, Sergei Aksyonov appreciated the improvement of the promenade area in the central part of Vinogradovo, advising the leadership of other municipalities to follow the example and be sure to install benches, trash cans and lanterns in public spaces, and arrange lawns.

In the village of Karierny, road patching is also required. The head of Crimea made corresponding orders. Then Sergei Aksyonov inspected the modular building of the kindergarten and the Karyernovskaya Secondary School, instructing them to study the possibility of installing a module as a sports hall.

In addition, Sergei Aksyonov talked with residents of one of the apartment buildings in Karierny and instructed Vladislav Khadzhiev to calculate the cost of a new playground in the courtyard of this apartment building in order to have it completed in the first quarter of 2025.

In the village of Okhotnikovo, a kindergarten is not currently operating; its activities have been suspended due to the need for major repairs, including replacement of communications and heating systems, and renovation of the facade. The institution is designed for 140 children.

Sergey Aksyonov emphasized that if there is a need and the garden can be fully equipped, then a solution needs to be found and put into operation.

It is important to focus on the internal condition of the building, the facade may suffer, this is not a priority work. The main thing is that it is warm and comfortable inside; you also need to tidy up the yard. Even if there are 70-80 children, you can make and open one wing— said the Head of the Republic of Crimea, instructing the management of the municipal administration to draw up an estimate for the types of work.

During the inspection of the Okhotnikovskaya Secondary School, Sergei Aksyonov noted that the institution is well heated, the roof does not leak, and the sports and assembly halls are in excellent condition. However, it is necessary to update the exhaust ventilation system in the dining room, for which funds will be found in the near future.

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While visiting the village of Lesnovka, Sergei Aksyonov informed about the decision made to allocate funds in the amount of 38 million rubles for organizing a storm drainage system in the village. The work will be carried out as part of emergency prevention measures.

In the Lesnovsky House of Culture, caring villagers are weaving camouflage nets for SVO soldiers. The head of Crimea thanked the residents for their work and patriotism, promising to help with materials. At the same time, Sergei Aksenov outlined the task of determining the cost of repairs of both this institution and the rural library. In addition, the floor in the canteen of the Lesnovskaya Secondary School will be renovated.

Summing up the results of the field work, Sergei Aksyonov emphasized that most of the problematic issues in rural areas coincide and relate to public transport schedules, road conditions, water supply, repairs of social institutions, and the healthcare sector in general.

Our main task now is to correctly distribute the available opportunities and resources, so that as a result we make the right efforts and create comfortable conditions for people’s lives. Any institution, be it a cultural center, kindergarten or school, should be warm, light and safethe Head of Crimea emphasized, adding that all institutions will be provided with the requested equipment in full.

It is reported that within a week, the leadership of the Saki district administration must update the priority needs of the municipality in order to draw up a clear action plan and begin to implement it. Along with this, Sergei Aksyonov emphasized that all heads of administrations must personally verify the technical specifications for the repair and construction of facilities, so as not to waste money on excess.

In turn, Vladislav Khadzhiev informed that some of the problematic issues identified by the Head of the Republic of Crimea have already been resolved. The remaining tasks will be updated together with the relevant ministries and departments and ultimately completed within the framework of the republican or local budgets. The work is carried out jointly with the administrations of rural settlements.

Photos and materials: Department of Information and Press Service of the Head of the Republic of Crimea.

Photo report — HERE.

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