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Yalta Heating Networks is working to replace boiler equipment

Yalta Heating Networks is working to replace boiler equipment

CrimeaPRESS reports:

According to the head of the Yalta administration, Yanina Pavlenko, Yalta Heating Networks provides heat to 28 apartment buildings, about 1,000 subscribers and a number of social facilities. The equipment is domestic, easy to maintain, and has proven itself well since 2016 (since the start of the import substitution process).

High-quality preparation for the next heating season directly depends on the level of payment for services by the population. So far, the debt to the company amounts to 22 million rubles, so specialists and bailiffs go to the debtors’ houses. There are results — some pay immediately, others come for debt restructuring. There are cases of seizure of property to pay off debt. Therefore, I urge you not to wait and make payment.— the head of the administration addresses the Yalta residents.

source: Information Policy Department of the Yalta City Administration

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