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Yalta Park Stakhanovsky: from an abandoned territory to a point of attraction for residents of a residential area

Yalta Park Stakhanovsky: from an abandoned territory to a point of attraction for residents of a residential area

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In 2020, thanks to the project “Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment” and, implemented by decision of the President, the national project “Housing and Urban Environment”, an abandoned area in Massandra found new life.

The area on Stakhanovskaya Street in the village of Massandra is one of the few green corners in the residential area. For a long time it was in complete desolation: destroyed pedestrian paths, broken stairs, broken benches, emergency and rusty horizontal bars, monkey bars and other outdated iron structures. There was also no external lighting at all. This territory was used exclusively for transit, and at the same time, the growing microdistrict was in dire need of a place where residents of nearby houses could spend their leisure time,” noted the press service of the Yalta administration.

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