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Yalta participates in the All-Russian campaign “Let's rent together. The day of passing the exam by parents «

KrymPRESS informs:

Action “Let’s rent together. The Day of Passing the Unified State Examination by Parents” will be held in Yalta on Saturday, April 2, at 10..

Parents will be asked to write an abbreviated version of the Unified State Examination in mathematics at the basic level , — note in Department of Information Policy of the Administration of the city of Yalta.

This year, the Unified State Examination with parents will be held throughout the country for the sixth time. The event is designed to help graduates and their parents relieve unnecessary psychological stress associated with preparing for the Unified State Examination, to better acquaint the public with the examination procedure.

On the day of its holding, parents, grandparents of schoolchildren, as well as public figures and journalists will be able to change places with their children and go through the entire USE procedure from going to the examination center to receiving their results.

When preparing for the exam, not only the knowledge with which graduates will come to the exams, but also the right psychological attitude, self-confidence are of great importance. And here the role of the family, parents cannot be overestimated. Therefore, Rosobrnadzor conceived and implemented this action so that parents could take part in the trial exam, get acquainted with the rules and procedure of the exam and explain them to their children , — says Renard Kutkovsky, head of the Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Yalta City Administration .

USE participants must have with them: a passport, a black gel pen, an editorial certificate (for journalists).

ATTENTION! If you wish to take part in the All-Russian campaign “Let’s rent together. The day the parents passed the exam, come on April 2 at 10. to the MBOU «Yalta secondary school-collegium No. 1 «at the address: Yalta, st. Leningradskaya d. . You must first submit an application to the Department of Education and Youth Policy by e-mail with full name and contact phone number.

Source: Department of Information Policy of the Administration of the City of Yalta

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