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Zelensky re-divides Crimea into «administrative units». In Crimea itself they say: this is nonsense

Zelensky re-divides Crimea into «administrative units». In Crimea itself they say: this is nonsense

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Zelensky sends verbal and non-verbal signals to the West, the meaning of which is clear: no peace, only war, we will fight to the last Ukrainian, send money, tanks, planes, and at the same time send back refugees … Hence the change of the Minister of Defense of the «square», hence the trips to the front and strange nightly «vidos», hence the signing of the law that changes the administrative-territorial division of Crimea. Zelensky makes it clear to everyone that «Crimea will be Ukrainian sooner or later«. Also «decommunized», also with a new administrative-territorial division.

The law provides for the creation in the region of military and military-civilian administrations in territorial communities. The Government of Ukraine must, within a month from the moment the law enters into force, determine the administrative centers and geographical boundaries of such communities. Within three months, the Ukrainian Cabinet is obliged to ensure the formation of local state administrations and submit to the Rada a bill “on the features of the restoration of public power” on the peninsula. The main goal of the law is to prepare the ground for the “de-occupation” of the peninsula.

This, if you please, «lawmaking» has already been commented on by many. Leitmotif: nonsense. Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov did without «parliamentary rhetoric»:

What is more in this, so to speak, lawmaking: madness, drug delirium or legal nihilism? You won’t answer right away. Probably a bit of everything.

Of course, the fact that there is no legal framework left for Ukraine for a long time is not a discovery for us at all. The first holes were dug in it back in 2004, then they patched and repatched, sniffed out the “spirit of the law” (they say Zelensky is brought this spirit from Colombia). Then they burned with car tires, and the remaining patches of this field were used by Poroshenko, and then Zelensky … for hygienic purposes.

Therefore, the Ukrainian parliament, as it were, can slip any kind of law to the Ukrainian president, as it were, to sign. It has nothing to do with law and order. As it turns out, by the way, not for the first time, it has nothing to do with reality either.

According to Konstantinov, with the same success, Zelensky could divide some sector of the moon into regions.

In a word, the Ukrainian «legislators» headed by their «president» are on the right track. We will observe with curiosity what else next time they intend to divide the administrative-territorial division. The main thing is that they should not be distracted by what is happening on the fronts, but by such topical initiatives they should distract their deceived and thrice-sold population from the impending catastrophe. But we should take care in advance about the candidacies of the governors of Kharkov, Yekaterinoslav, Nikolaev, Odessa — so that at that wonderful moment when we return there, we have a personnel reserve to restore normal life, law and order and legality in these original Russian territoriesdeclared speaker of the Crimean parliament.

Of course, one should not take every «statement» of Zelensky or even the «law» signed by this character to heart. I remember that this summer he was going to rest in the Crimea, and his “brothers” would celebrate the day of “independence” in Yalta and Sevastopol … But to understand the whole “picture” — information about such “lawmaking” is useful. It is clear that the Crimeans are destined for Kyiv. It is also clear that the top of Ukraine is either not in itself, or on an endless Sabbath. It is clear that the special operation must continue.

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