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64% of Crimeans support increasing the minimum wage to 30 thousand rubles

64% of Crimeans support increasing the minimum wage to 30 thousand rubles

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In a service survey SuperJob Representatives of the economically active population from Crimea took part.

64% of Crimeans supported the State Duma’s initiative to increase the minimum wage to 30 thousand rubles: “Inflation is high in Russia.” 26% said that the minimum wage should be increased even more: “To 45-50 thousand rubles, taking into account food, clothing, household items, medical care and utility bills for housing.” And only 3% of respondents are in favor of leaving the minimum wage at the current level: “Following the increase in the minimum wage, all other prices also rise, it makes no sense”; “We need to lower the price of the consumer basket.” Women are more active than men in supporting the initiative of parliamentarians to increase the minimum wage (70 and 58%, respectively). The younger the respondents, the more often they speak out in favor of increasing the minimum wage: 60% among respondents over 45 years old, 73% among respondents under 34 years old,” noted the service’s press service.

In favor of increasing the federal minimum wage above the amount proposed by parliamentarians, city residents with a salary of 100 thousand rubles or more (35%) most often spoke out. In the country as a whole, among those who do not agree with the size of the increase in the minimum wage, every second person proposes to increase the minimum wage to 50-60 thousand rubles per month.

Dates: May 1-6, 2024

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