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A girl was trapped on Mount Ai-Petri

A girl was trapped on Mount Ai-Petri

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The girl, climbing Mount Ai-Petri, lost her way and went out onto a steep rocky-scree slope.

Rescuers, having established a mobile connection with the girl, found out her approximate location. The duty shift of the Yalta emergency rescue team of the GKU RK «KRYM-SPAS» consisting of 5 people left for the area of ​​search and rescue operations. Upon arrival, the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations climbed the Ai-Petri plateau and began searching for the girl. In a short time, they established a voice and visual contact with her. Having climbed up to the lost tourist, who was in the area of ​​the Alupka trail, the rescuers, using climbing equipment, evacuated her from a hard-to-reach place and took her to the village of Okhotnichye (Yalta city district) in a company car. She didn’t need medical attention.— announced the details of the case in the press service of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in Crimea.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Crimea reminds:

In case of emergencies, you must call the rescue service at a single emergency call number — «112» or 101.

News of the Crimea | CrimeaPRESS

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