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A new section has been created on the portal of the Government of the Republic of Crimea: for operational information

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On the portal of the Government of the Republic of Crimea, a new section has been created, dedicated to the decree of the Head of the Republic “On the threat of an emergency situation that arose in Republic of Crimea». This was announced by the Minister of Internal Policy, Information and Communications of the Republic of Crimea Mikhail Afanasiev.

In the new section, Crimeans and guests of the republic will be able to quickly find out information in connection with the threat of a regional emergency, information about the work of republican life support facilities and other information related to the conduct of a special military operation. I ask everyone to remain as calm as possible, not to react to fake news and focus only on the official statements of the authorities, — the press service quotes the head of the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Crimea.

The section contains phone numbers of «hot lines», links to official resources and official information, consisting of news materials on behalf of the Crimean leadership, ministries, departments, services. More information about the decree can be found at link.

Source: Information Policy Department of the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Crimea

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