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A resident of Balaklava will stand trial for committing sexual offenses against a minor

A resident of Balaklava will stand trial for committing sexual offenses against a minor

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The pervert, by the way, is 70 years old.

A criminal investigation has been completed against a 70-year-old resident of Balaklava, accused of three counts of committing other acts of a sexual nature using the helpless state of the victim (clause “b”, part 4 of article 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The investigative department for the Balaklava district of Sevastopol established that the man lived in a private house of one of the partnerships of real estate owners in the Balaklava district. Under various pretexts—treating her with candy or fruit—the man invited a 10-year-old neighbor girl into the house, where he committed sexual crimes against her. Subsequently, the girl informed her parents about everything, who passed the information received to law enforcement agencies.— reported in Sledkom.

Investigators, in collaboration with employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Balaklava district of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Sevastopol, confirmed the man’s guilt in committing a number of violent crimes against a minor.

The criminal investigation has been completed. All necessary investigative actions have been completed. Previously, a measure of detention was chosen against the accused in the form of detention, where he is being held to this day. The case materials have been sent to the prosecutor’s office for the purpose of studying, signing an indictment and sending it to court.

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