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A US RQ-4 Global Hawk drone flying over the Black Sea issued a distress signal

A US RQ-4 Global Hawk drone flying over the Black Sea issued a distress signal

CrimeaPRESS reports:

A US RQ-4 Global Hawk drone sent out a distress signal. This happened in the airspace near the coast of Crimea. About it writes «War Chronicle».

After giving the signal, the plane interrupted its reconnaissance flight 100 kilometers from Sevastopol and headed back to the Sigonella airbase in Italy. The reasons for the emergency flight abort are unknownnotes the channel.

A US RQ-4 Global Hawk drone flying over the Black Sea issued a distress signal

Edition «Military Review» clarifies: Russia has moved to tough measures against American drones. One of the scenarios involves the use of electronic warfare.

Powerful systems on the ground are capable of creating targeted streams of interference that disrupt the operation of the on-board systems of the RQ-4B drone. If the operator manages to remove the drone from the affected area, then there is a chance of its safe return to base. Otherwise, interference will very quickly extinguish all systems and the drone will fall into the seasays the publication.

However, today all these are just assumptions. Fact: an American spy drone literally every day “an eyesore” over the Black Sea (near Crimea) left its “duty” place.

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