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Every fourth working Crimean citizen planned a winter vacation

Every fourth working Crimean citizen planned a winter vacation

CrimeaPRESS reports:

People often plan to vacation in winter at home or while traveling around Russia. Employed economically active citizens from Crimea took part in a survey of the service for finding high-paying jobs SuperJob.

26% of Crimeans are going to take a vacation in winter: 21% plan to relax at home, 5% plan to travel around Russia. Among the most popular destinations within the country are Moscow, Sochi and Lake Baikal. Abroad, city residents expect to spend their winter holidays in Turkey, Cyprus or the UAE. 67% of respondents do not plan to take a vacation in winter. Men go on vacation in winter more often than women (33 and 20%, respectively) and spend their vacations at home more often,” noted the service’s press service.

Residents of Crimea with a salary of 80 thousand rubles a month or more take winter vacation more often than those who earn less, and more often spend it traveling around the country or traveling abroad.

Dates: October 14-18, 2023

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