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Addiction Free Week takes place in Russia

Addiction Free Week takes place in Russia

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In order to raise awareness among citizens about the importance of giving up bad habits, such as drinking alcohol and nicotine-containing products, the All-Russian Addiction Quit Week is being held from March 25 to 31.

This information campaign focuses attention not only on issues of chemical addictions, but also on the topic of a healthy lifestyle in general. In everyday life, people with bad habits rarely think about changing their lives. Therefore, it is important to raise public awareness about quitting alcohol and smoking— commented on the importance of the information campaign, the chief physician of the Crimean Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology, Evgeniy Menchik.

The specialist said that several factors are very important in overcoming, for example, alcohol addiction.

The first thing that needs to happen is the awareness of addiction. In most cases, addictive behavior is associated with a lack of criticism towards it; the person does not recognize his problem. After realizing the situation, a choice arises — remain in the same state or change your lifestyle. Next, the second component is needed — motivation. If a person does not yet experience serious problems associated with addiction, and alcohol consumption gives him subjectively positive experiences, then a specific motive is needed to begin to change his lifestyle. As a rule, a person stops drinking when irreversible consequences for the body occur. Finding a motive to change your behavior pattern before the consequences occur is quite difficult, but this is the main thing a person must do to overcome addiction,” noted Evgeniy Menchik.

There are cases when people manage to cope with addiction on their own. You can achieve this yourself, perhaps by changing your usual activity — start going to the gym, spending weekends with your family in the park, going on nature hikes, attending cultural events.

In most cases, it is very difficult to find strength and the right path to overcome addiction. Therefore, the help of specialists is most often needed. This is not necessarily a visit to a narcologist — it is possible to work with a psychologist or psychotherapist. If a person is a believer, then the problem can be overcome through faith and the help of clergy. However, this is also a narrow path, so it is most effective to seek medical help — technologies for overcoming addictions have long been known and specialists successfully use themsaid Evgeniy Menchik.

The specialist also spoke about the consumption of nicotine-containing products (vapes, electronic cigarettes, etc.) and myths associated with their harmlessness.

The idea that smoking tobacco substitutes is not as dangerous as regular cigarettes is a huge misconception. This myth encourages young people to use various devices – electronic means of nicotine delivery. All these liquids are nicotine-containing and, in addition to the effects of highly toxic nicotine on the body, the negative impact of glycerin vapor on the pulmonary system is addednoted the chief physician of the Crimean Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology.

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