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An all-Russian round table “Chronicles of liberated cities” took place. Sevastopol and Crimea»

An all-Russian round table “Chronicles of liberated cities” took place. Sevastopol and Crimea»

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The All-Russian round table “Chronicles of Liberated Cities. Crimea and Sevastopol». The speakers discussed key issues related to the history of Crimea and Sevastopol during the Great Patriotic War, the fate of archaeological and other monuments during the Nazi occupation, current problems of protection, study and use of cultural heritage during the war and post-war reconstruction.

We dedicated our conference to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Crimea and Sevastopol during the Great Patriotic War. The event must be held at a high scientific level. More than 10 speakers from different regions of Russia applied to participate in it.— said one of the members of the organizing committee of the round table, head of the scientific and archival department of the state museum-reserve «Chersonese Tauride», candidate of historical sciences Tatyana Prokhorova.

At the event, the chief curator of the state museum-reserve «Chersonese Tauride» Natalia Demidenko spoke about the fate of the museum’s stock collections during the Great Patriotic War.

My report was devoted to the evacuation of the Chersonesos collection to Sverdlovsk (present-day Yekaterinburg). It must be said that already in the first days of the war, the question arose about the need to evacuate the Chersonesos collection, since it was in danger of being destroyed during the bombing. In 1941, more than 11 thousand Chersonese objects were evacuated on the Volga ship. They were packed in 51 boxes. Among them are architectural details, organic finds, jewelry, ceramics of the ancient and Byzantine periods.,” notes Natalia Demidenko.

An all-Russian round table “Chronicles of liberated cities” took place. Sevastopol and Crimea An all-Russian round table “Chronicles of liberated cities” took place. Sevastopol and Crimea

Historians, museum workers, and archivists not only from Sevastopol and Crimea, but also from other regions of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg and Ufa took part in the round table. And the culmination of the event was the premiere of a documentary film about the curator of the collection of the Chersonesos Museum in evacuation, Stanislav Frantsevich Strzheletsky: “Strzheletsky — keeper of the treasures of Chersonesos.”

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Based on the results of the conference, a collection of reports will be published, which is planned to be released at the end of this year.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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