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April 30 — Zosim Pchelnik and the mystical Walpurgis Night

April 30 — Zosim Pchelnik and the mystical Walpurgis Night

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The church now honors Saints Savvaty and Zosima. People considered them patrons of bees. On this day, the queen bee was placed in the hive to prevent the swarm from scattering.

They said: “I take a bee and put it in a hive. It is not I who imprison you, but the horned Moon, the white stars and the red Sun who imprison you. They imprison you and tame you».

By the way, our ancestors believed that a bee would never sting a kind person. There is a beautiful legend about these amazing insects:

  • When a man came for honey for the first time, he disturbed the bees, which flew away to complain to God. They told him that they absolutely did not know how to use a sting, but God allowed them to use the sting for protection. The next summer, the man again came to the bees and took the honeycombs, but this time the insects managed to stand up for themselves. However, they again went to God and asked to make people die from bites. To which God said that because of their malice, the bees themselves will die if they bite a person. Since then, this is exactly what has happened — a bee cannot live without a sting.

On April 30, the peasants took the hive to the apiary.

Signs of the day:

  • The swarm is swarming — Zosima-Savvaty is having fun.
  • The Merciful Savior saves every soul, and Zosima-Savvaty protects the bee.
  • If bees fly to a flower, then the flower will produce fruit.
  • Whatever bread the bee goes for will be good for grain.
  • If bees land on cherry blossoms, the cherries will be born; if not, there will be no cherries.
  • A little loss of bees (according to the Omshanik exhibition) means a buckwheat harvest, and vice versa, a lot of loss means no buckwheat will be born.
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Name days are celebrated today by: Fedor, Adrian, Alexander, Ivan.

And from April 30 to May 1, one of the most significant pagan holidays is celebrated — Walpurgis Night. This is a celebration of the beginning of the blossoming spring.

The holiday is also dedicated to the day of remembrance by the Roman Catholic Church of St. Walpurgis — Walburga of Heidenheim. She was born in 710 into the family of King Richard of West Saxony. At the age of eleven, the girl moved to live in a monastery. One day, the ship that Walpurgis was on was caught in a storm. The girl fell to her knees and began to pray furiously. Soon the wind died down and the sea calmed down. After this incident, Walpurgis began to be revered as the patroness of sailors.

AND! They say that on Walpurgis Night all the evil spirits gather on Bald Mountain to carry out their various magical plans.

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