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Branch of the FSCC FMBA of Russia in the Crimea: the schedule of field work of narrow specialists

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The branch of the FSCC FMBA of Russia in the Crimea informs about the schedule of field work of narrow medical specialists:

  • The cardiologist will conduct an appointment 14 March in Nikita, 17 March in Massandra, 30 March in Foros.
  • On March, the endocrinologist will visit Massandra.
  • Traumatologist 16 March will hold a reception in Massandra, 21 March in Alupka.
  • Neurologist 15 March will visit Nikita, 22 March — Massandra, 22 March — Foros.
  • 3 and 21 On March in Alupka, an oncologist will receive patients.
  • A rheumatologist will conduct reception 11 March in Foros.
  • The therapist will see patients in Nikita on March 3, 10 March, 14 March, 22 March and 31 March.

In addition, from 22 February to March 5, residents of Gurzuf will be able to undergo free research on modern mammography mobile complex. From 15 to 18 March the complex will work in Alupka. 15 March research will be conducted in Foros. To make an appointment with specialists and for research, to clarify additional information, you must contact the contact center of the branch at numbers 8 (3654) 55-59-73, 8 (3654) 30-50-50, — noted in the press service of the department.

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