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Charitable Foundation «Gulfstream»: up to two years, Sergei was an ordinary child

Charitable Foundation «Gulfstream»: up to two years, Sergei was an ordinary child

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Gulfstream Charitable Foundation notes that every child with developmental disabilities has his own story, the beginning is full of pain and fear, and the ending depends on you and me.

Serezha is 7 years old, he has mental retardation, autism spectrum disorder and suspected epilepsy. Seven years ago, in the city of Ulan-Ude, a long-awaited son was born to a young family, who was named Serezha. Parents have already chosen which kindergarten he will go to, which circles he will attend, but a terrible thing happened. In a year, Serezha began to have convulsions, then, with SARS, his face, arms and neck began to periodically turn blue against the background of high temperature. They hoped that Serezha would recover and everything would pass, but the attacks began to recur regularly, for a long 5 years. The family forgot about all their dreams, life concentrated on only one thing — salvation, the health of their son. New symptoms were added to convulsions and cyanosis — vomiting when crying and chaotic activity of the arms and legs during sleep. Doctors after a thorough examination came to a disappointing conclusion — the development of an epileptic syndrome— noted in the press service of the Gulfstream Charitable Foundation.

Due to the high risk of epilepsy, Serezha was canceled any medical treatment, including drugs that help activate the child’s brain activity, improving his memory, thinking, perception, intellectual abilities and physical condition. Meanwhile, his speech worsens, he stops playing with other children and understands his mother’s requests.

It is possible to stop the deterioration of the condition, it is possible to regain lost skills and acquire new ones, but long-term habilitation with specialized specialists is required: speech therapist, defectologist, neuropsychologist, AFC trainer.

Find out more:  Участники форума «Истоки» — «Гармония» побывали на экскурсии в Херсонесе Таврическом

To save their son, the family moved to Moscow. And already this academic year, specialists from the children’s inclusive center “Together it’s fun to walk” are waiting for Serezha in the classroom.

I really want my beloved son to be able to speak and understand me.— Seryozha’s mother admits.

Help Serezha complete the annual habilitation course! Parents do everything so that their boy can develop on a par with his peers, but, unfortunately, they do not have the amount that is necessary for the annual course of classes with the center’s specialists. If every Friend of the Fund subscribes to a monthly payment in support of Serezha, you will be able to help the boy attend classes consistently.

Even a small amount is of great importance — every million for the annual rehabilitation consists of donations of 100 rubles. Thank you very much for your support! — Your Gulfstream Foundation.

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