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Crimean doctors saved a girl from the Kherson region with a severe mine explosion wound

Crimean doctors saved a girl from the Kherson region with a severe mine explosion wound

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Doctors from the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Republican Clinical Hospital named after. N.A. Semashko” saved the life of a 20-year-old girl from the Kherson region, who was urgently hospitalized after a mine explosion wound to the brain, chest with damage to the heart and abdominal organs. This was stated by the deputy chief physician of the hospital. Semashko Dmitry Dedkov.

According to him, the patient needed urgent surgical treatment, therefore, as a result of interaction between doctors from the Kherson region and Crimea, the girl was transported to the Republican Clinical Hospital. That same night, the patient underwent a simultaneous surgical intervention with the participation of three teams of specialists — cardiac surgeons, neurosurgeons, abdominal surgeons together with urologists. The operation lasted more than five hours.

Cardiac surgeons worked with a penetrating wound to the heart — one of the fragments wounded the left ventricle of the heart and stopped in the wall of the right ventricle, resulting in life-threatening bleeding. Specialists inspected the pericardial cavity and stopped the bleeding. In addition, as a result of the injury, fragments entered the cranial cavity and damaged the substance of the brain. Neurosurgeons needed to treat the wound and remove all accessible fragments and foreign bodies. Another fragment, most likely entering through the chest, caused a tangential wound to the liver. It then passed into the retroperitoneum, into the area near the kidneys, near the great vessels such as the aorta and the inferior vena cava, and then stopped at the intervertebral disc. Abdominal surgeons, together with urologists, performed an inspection of the abdominal cavity and removed the hematoma— said Dmitry Dedkov.

Today, more than three weeks after the operation, the girl is in a compensated state and is preparing for discharge for further observation at her place of residence. Six months later, at the Republican Clinical Hospital named after. N.A. Semashko will undergo a planned surgical intervention to close the defect in the bones of the cranial vault.

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Crimean doctors saved a girl from the Kherson region with a severe mine explosion wound

Photo: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Crimea.

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