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Crimean specialists: «Best in profession — 2023» in the nomination «Best seamstress» — three finalists determined

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On May 11, the nomination of the Competition «Best in Profession — 2023» «Best Seamstress» was held on the basis of the non-profit organization «Crimean State Fund for Entrepreneurship Support» 9 seamstresses competed, from the following enterprises: Armenian Branch of Titanium Investments LLC, Crimean Soda Plant JSC, Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Research Institute of Aeroelastic Systems», IP Tishchenko V.A. Maison company. Self-employed seamstresses also took part in the competition.

In order to ensure an independent assessment of the results of the competition, the objectivity of its conduct, before the start of the competition, the members of the expert working group held a draw of participants, the results of which determined the order in which the participants performed the practical and theoretical tasks and the number of the workplace. Based on the results of the draw, each participant in the competition was assigned a personal number, which was recorded in the Protocol of the draw. During the competition, all works performed by the participant were registered under this number.— noted in the Organizing Committee of the Competition.

The theoretical part of the competition was held in the form of testing and included a test of knowledge in the field of technology for the manufacture of garments, the design and modeling of clothing, questions about the properties and composition of fabrics, the classification of seams and the design of sewing machines. At the practical part, all the seamstresses were given the task of sewing ideas according to a special instructional and technological map. Throughout the event, the participants were observed by an expert group, which further evaluates the quality of the assignments.

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The expert group consisted of the Deputy Minister of Industrial Policy of the Republic of Crimea — Fedotova Inessa Alekseevna, the foreman of the production site of JSC «Crimean Soda Plant» — Slotvinskaya Tatyana Vasilyevna, the engineer of the Center for Folk Art Crafts of the Crimean Entrepreneurship Support Fund — Smailova Zarema Ruslanovna, the Master of Industrial Training of the Simferopol College of the Sphere maintenance and design — Olga Valerievna Vasilets, foremen of the housing and economic area of ​​the KhC LLC «Titanium Investments» — Olga Viktorovna Nikiforova and Volunteer of the «We Do Good» group — Sabirova Svetlana Vladimirovna.

The competition is held with the aim of encouraging the production work of workers, increasing the interest of employees of enterprises in improving professional skills, as well as studying and disseminating best practices and production culture. Interest in the competition is growing every year both on the part of managers and owners of industrial enterprises, and on the part of the main actors — representatives of working specialties.

As a result of the Competition, three finalists were determined, and the distribution of prizes is kept secret until the end of all nominations and will be announced at the awards ceremony, which will be held on May 17 in the SIMFERO panoramic restaurant.

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