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December 6 is Mitrofan's Day. Pies, eggs, conversations and fortune telling

December 6 is Mitrofan's Day. Pies, eggs, conversations and fortune telling

CrimeaPRESS reports:

People believed that on December 6th they could understand what the weather would be like in the summer. Usually at this time there were noisy celebrations. The final establishment of the sleigh route through the snow was celebrated.

And on December 6, they organized the so-called eve — special festivities at which girls boiled eggs, baked pies and spent time talking and telling fortunes.

The church now celebrates the day of Mitrofan of Voronezh, who served as bishop of the Russian Church in the 17th and 18th centuries. His pious parents named him Michael and raised him as a righteous Christian family. Until the age of forty, he had a son and a wife, then he was widowed and took monastic vows at the Zolotnikovsky Assumption Monastery, taking the name Mitrofan. According to legend, he, differing from other monks in his deep humility and strict observance of the rules of monastic life, after a certain time reached the rank of abbot of the Yakhroma Kosmin Monastery. And in 1682 he was offered to become a bishop in the newly formed Voronezh diocese, to which he agreed and successfully coped until his last days of life. During all the time he served the Lord, Mitrofan built a temple and supported his parishioners in every possible way, including Peter I himself. After his death, his relics were preserved in the Annunciation Cathedral of Voronezh. Believers from all over the world came and continue to come to them, believing that they are able to heal from various physical and mental illnesses.

Alexander Nevsky, a famous commander and Russian prince, was also honored today. According to historical information, in the 13th century, Rus’ was attacked by Lithuania, the Mongol-Tatars and the Catholic West. At the same time, Alexander Nevsky did not lose a single battle during his life. He proved himself not only as a great commander, but also as an excellent diplomat. In honor of Alexander Nevsky, it was customary in Rus’ to bake special buns. A cross was placed inside one loaf of bread, and then the baked goods were placed around the house. One loaf of bread was placed on the threshold, the second on the bench, and the third on the shelf near the icons. If a bun with a cross turned up at the doorstep, then the person who had gone to work was supposed to return soon. If a bun with a cross ended up near the images, it was a bad sign and promised death.

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Signs of the day:

  • Light snow and a north wind promised blind rain on June 6.
  • Rare clouds in the sky — the weather will be cold and clear, located in stripes — warm.
  • The sun hid behind a cloud — there will be a snowstorm, it will come out in a column — it will be frosty.
  • The steep and clear month of December promises cold.
  • If the tops of deciduous trees have risen up and turned pink, the frosts will not be so severe.
  • Two dull pink rings around the moon promise bitter frosts.
  • Low clouds — cold is just around the corner.
  • The clouds at sunset “burn” — to clear weather.
  • If there is noise coming from the sky, there is a blizzard.

Name days are celebrated today by: Grigory, Mitrofan, Boris, Fedor, Alexander, Alexey.

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