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During the week, 84 fires were extinguished in Crimea; 57 of them are «landscape»

During the week, 84 fires were extinguished in Crimea; 57 of them are «landscape»

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Despite the fact that summer has already come to an end, hot weather persists in Crimea, and the air temperature remains at around +30 — 35 C. In six municipal districts, the 5th class of emergency fire danger has been declared (Simferopol, Yalta, Alushta, Evpatoria, Bakhchisarai and Simferopol regions).

During the current week alone, on the peninsula, employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry made 84 field trips to eliminate fires, 57 of which were “landscape”.

The largest number of fires of dry vegetation was recorded in the territories of Simferopol and Leninsky districts, where more than 10 fires each occurred from August 28 to the present day. Also, during the specified period in Razdolnensky, Chernomorsky districts and the city of Kerch, there were 5 fires each. Crimean firefighters successfully eliminated emergency incidents, while preventing fires from spreading to residential and summer cottages— reported in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Republic of Crimea.

In total, 677 fires have occurred on the territory of the Republic since the beginning of the summer season, associated with the burning of dry vegetation.

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