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February 4 is Timofey's day. We are actively calling for spring

February 4 is Timofey's day. We are actively calling for spring

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The main meaning of February 4 according to the folk calendar: Timofey’s day has left most of the winter behind — one can not only hope, but also actively call for spring. Meanwhile, the frosts in Rus’ today were especially severe and were called Timofeevsky. They said: “Timofeevsky’s severe frost froze my cheeks and nose,” “Timofeevsky’s blizzard will last for a long time.” It was believed that even birds did not fly out of their hiding places on February 4th.

Weather signs were watched especially closely today:

  • The sun is shining during the day — wait for spring earlier.
  • A lot of snow on Timofey means there will be a good grain harvest.
  • If the windows in the house fog up on February 4, and outside, you can expect warming up soon. Perpendicular snow patterns are visible on the glass — expect prolonged frosts. Patterns at an angle — you can count on warming.
  • Snowfall on Timothy foretells a good harvest in summer and autumn.
  • The sun is out — it will be early spring.
  • If a snowstorm begins, this weather will last at least a week.
  • Sunrise began ahead of time — to heavy snowfall.
  • During the night snow stuck to trees, poles and wires — it will become warmer in the near future

The dreams Timofey has are considered prophetic!

Name day on February 4th is celebrated by Anastasia, Gabriel, George, Efim, Ivan, Joseph, Leonty, Makar, Nikolai, Peter, Timofey.

And for the festive birthday table, by the way, it’s worth preparing a warm and satisfying dish, guided by another holiday — in the USA today they celebrate National Homemade Soup Day! A simple and pleasant celebration that unobtrusively reminds you of the main human values ​​- your home, its comfort and loved ones. Moreover, as practice shows, each family has its own recipe for such a dish and its own secrets of preparing it. Well, shall we raise the spoons?

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