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February 5 — Agathius-Polukhlebnik. Have you checked your winter supplies?

February 5 — Agathius-Polukhlebnik. Have you checked your winter supplies?

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Why Agathius-Polukhlebnik? Because our ancestors came to their barns with an inspection on February 5th. They double-checked supplies. Particular attention was paid to grain. If needed, its reserves were replenished — in the February days this was easier to do than buying grain at exorbitant prices in the spring, when it became scarce. In addition, today the bins were prepared for the arrival of the new harvest — they were cleaned, washed, repaired. At the same time they said: “Agathius does not straighten his back in the bins, he counts the grain.”

But be that as it may, even on a day dedicated to everyday affairs, they managed to “calculate” the weather using signs:

  • A lot of snow — there will be a lot of bread.
  • If frost hits Agathia and the sun is shining, it will be hot in August.
  • Sunny day — it will be early spring.
  • If tits chirp loudly in the morning, expect frost in the near future.
  • Severe frost — spring will come early.
  • The weather on the day of Agafia before lunch gives a forecast for the first half of the next winter, after lunch — for the second.
  • Tits chirping under the window means severe winter cold.

Chicken pies were served at the dinner table for Agafia-Polukhlebnik. This treat symbolized family happiness.

Name days are celebrated today by: Vladimir, Gennady, Evdokia, Ekaterina, Ivan, Joseph, Clement, Makar, Fedor.

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