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Goodbye, goodbye my Tiguan… A drunk driver from the Saki district “retrained” as a pedestrian

Goodbye, goodbye my Tiguan… A drunk driver from the Saki district “retrained” as a pedestrian

CrimeaPRESS reports:

A resident of the Saki district had an expensive car confiscated for driving while intoxicated.

The court found that the man, having been brought to administrative responsibility for driving a vehicle while intoxicated, did not draw the appropriate conclusions for himself and in January of this year, after drinking alcohol, he again began driving a Volkswagen Tiguan. Moving along one of the streets in the village of Frunze, he was stopped by traffic police officials.— reported the supervisory agency.

The court, taking into account the position of the state prosecutor, sentenced the culprit to a fine of 200 thousand rubles with deprivation of the right to engage in activities related to driving vehicles for a period of 2 years. The Volkswagen Tiguan car belonging to the convicted person was confiscated to the state.

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