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Hurray, comrades! In Evpatoria, long, long work on the Tereshkova embankment is being completed

Hurray, comrades! In Evpatoria, long, long work on the Tereshkova embankment is being completed

CrimeaPRESS reports:

You will be able to admire the renovated embankment in March.

Prime Minister of Crimea Yuri Gotsanyuk visited Yevpatoria and checked the progress of work on the Tereshkova embankment. According to him, the reconstruction of the embankment is almost complete.

Hurray, comrades! In Evpatoria, long, long work on the Tereshkova embankment is being completed

As of today, construction and installation work is 99% complete. Commissioning work is underway, as well as the preparation of the necessary technical documentation. The embankment is scheduled to open in March this year.,” Gotsanyuk noted.

Hurray, comrades! In Evpatoria, long, long work on the Tereshkova embankment is being completed

According to the head of the administration of Yevpatoria, Elena Demidova, the following work is underway on the embankment: facing and polishing of terrace slabs, installation of rotunda elements, setting up fountain equipment, as well as laying a lawn.

Hurray, comrades! In Evpatoria, long, long work on the Tereshkova embankment is being completed

The facility employs two pieces of equipment and 69 people.

Hurray, comrades! In Evpatoria, long, long work on the Tereshkova embankment is being completed

Let us remind you that the main embankment of Yevpatoria was closed for reconstruction back in 2018. At first, the project was planned to be completed in 2019, but… There were all kinds of “situations” there: proceedings with a contractor who did not live up to expectations and wasted money (even criminal cases), and reworking of project documentation, and changes in prices for building materials, and natural disasters. “cataclysms”… The long-term construction has come to a happy ending. We’ll find out how happy we are in March, when we walk along the newly opened Evpatoria embankment.

Photo: Yu. Gotsanyuk’s VKontakte page and E. Demidova’s Telegram channel.

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