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In Crimea, new epaulettes were handed over to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and passports to cadets of the Department of Internal Affairs

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Traditionally, the ceremony of awarding epaulettes to employees who received the first and next special ranks was held at the memorial complex in memory of the employees of the internal affairs bodies — the defenders of the city during the Great Patriotic War. It should be noted that in June Sevastopol will celebrate three significant events — the Day of Russia, the Day of the City of Sevastopol and the 305th anniversary of the creation of the Russian police.

The Sevastopol police has its own rich heroic history and service traditions. One of these is the solemn presentation of shoulder straps to employees who received the first and next special ranks. In a matter of minutes, you will receive new shoulder straps, which are an indicator of your positive results in professional activities. I congratulate you on this significant event.— the press service quotes acting head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Sevastopol, police colonel Sergei Sigunov.

The acting head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs congratulated the cadets of the internal affairs bodies standing in the same ranks with the police on receiving the main document — the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and wished young Sevastopol residents to always be worthy citizens of our Motherland.

After the speech, police colonel Sergei Sigunov presented the first passports to three cadets and new shoulder straps to thirty-three employees of the internal affairs bodies.

In Crimea, new epaulettes were handed over to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and passports to cadets of the Department of Internal Affairs In Crimea, new epaulettes were handed over to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and passports to cadets of the Department of Internal Affairs In Crimea, new epaulettes were handed over to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and passports to cadets of the Department of Internal Affairs In Crimea, new epaulettes were handed over to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and passports to cadets of the Department of Internal Affairs In Crimea, new epaulettes were handed over to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and passports to cadets of the Department of Internal Affairs In Crimea, new epaulettes were handed over to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and passports to cadets of the Department of Internal Affairs

source: press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Sevastopol

News of the Crimea | CrimeaPRESS

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