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In Crimea, projects have been developed for landscaping and improvement of the territory of the art cluster “Tavrida.ART”

In Crimea, projects have been developed for landscaping and improvement of the territory of the art cluster “Tavrida.ART”

CrimeaPRESS reports:

A set of projects for landscaping and landscaping the territory of the art cluster was created as part of the educational program “Green Resort: Integrated Development of the Architectural and Landscape Environment of the Coastal Territory,” which took place from October 23 to October 29, 2023 at the Meganom Academy of Creative Industries.

The program was developed and implemented jointly with the Roszapovedtsentr of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources.

When developing projects, young landscape design specialists, architects, designers, dendrologists, botanists, agronomists, soil scientists, ecologists and agricultural engineers used their professional skills to create a picture of the resort with a detailed study of individual areas, taking into account the existing landscaping, infrastructure and features of the territory.

It was important for us to unite young environmental specialists and leading experts in the environmental field as part of the educational intensive. Exchange of experience, transfer of practical and theoretical knowledge, continuity of generations the key to the successful development of the country’s environmental agenda, — the press service of the head of the Roszapovedtsentr of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia quotes Daria Matsuk.

Each of the project teams was assigned to a separate section of the designed territory. During the program, participants learned about climatic features and soil composition, the features of landscape design and construction in various regions of Crimea, and also about the specifics of the dendrological assortment in Crimea, taking into account regional diversity.

Together with experts, the participants developed projects for creating a garden in a regular layout, landscaping an eco-village and the area along the road of the Tavrida art cluster, developed projects for vertical and interior landscaping of buildings on the territory of the Meganom Academy, and also proposed concepts for a greenhouse complex at the festival site , the “Garden in Glass” project on the territory of the Academy and a series of mobile flowerpots with “smart modules” for adjusting watering.

The “Green Resort” program is very relevant; with care for the younger generation, it unites children from all over our huge country and contributes to the development of domestic landscape design specialists. The territory of the Academy and the Tavrida art cluster needs to be landscaped, and involving students in this work provides an excellent opportunity for participants to exchange experience and knowledge. Children who will come to the program in the future will be able to see the results of the work of their predecessors, analyze and use this experience in their future work. This program provides a good springboard for learning, lays the groundwork for the future, and cultivates a generation of people who want and strive to do something worthwhile and useful, to transform the existing world for the better., — notes IMPERIAL GARDEN and MORE YALYA.development dendrologist Yulia Ovsyanikova.

The pool of experts and curators of directions included representatives of leading organizations in the field of construction, design, ecology and science: Russian development company Brusnika, Botanical Garden named after. N. V. Bagrova, Crimean Federal University. V. I. Vernadsky, architectural bureau IND, bureau «Create», Academy of Architecture and Arts of the Southern Federal University, Architectural and design bureau «OSNOVA», landscape and construction company EcoToon, landscape and construction company IMPERIAL GARDEN, developer MORE YALYA.development, architecture studio and design «TCHK», Roszapovedtsentr of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, Federal State Budgetary Institution «Kenozersky National Park», Federal State Budgetary Institution «Khakassky Nature Reserve», Federal State Budgetary Institution «Kislovodsky National Park», Federal State Budgetary Institution «Reserved Crimea», ATI RUDN.

Find out more:  У крымчан — призовые места на Всероссийском этапе военно-патриотической игры «Зарница 2.0»

Over 7 days, the teams received up-to-date information in the field of landscape design and construction from practicing experts, as well as applied knowledge on the development of landscaping projects in the southern region. As part of lectures and master classes, we learned about trends in urban landscaping, phytodesign, the development of eco-tourism and specially protected natural areas.

The highlight of the program was the Green Festival, where program participants and guests were able to participate in planting more than 1,500 plants to form a new ecosystem in Kapsel Bay. Together with the Roszapovedtsentr of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, a Green Lecture was held, where leading experts discussed the prospects for greening not only the art cluster, but the entire peninsula. In addition, festival visitors were able to see the exhibition “Protected Crimea” and watch a number of films about protected areas.

As part of the festival, specialists from the Roszapovedtsentr of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, together with students of the Russian Peoples’ Friendship University, created a green corner of rare plants on the territory of the Tavrida art cluster, planting material for which was provided by the Sochi Arboretum. The composition decorated the entrance group of the art cluster.

On October 29, 2023, the teams defended their projects in front of experts, and the best participants received an invitation to join the Tavrida.ART team for further project support. An important event of the program was the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Tavrida.ART art cluster and the Roszapovedtsentr of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources.

Academy of Creative Industries «Meganom» ー this is a new concept of an educational environment for young representatives of culture, art and creative industries, which has become the core of the Tavrida art cluster (a project of Rosmolodezh). The year-round educational center allows young professionals to gain knowledge under the supervision of recognized leaders in the field and take part in interactive projects prepared in collaboration with leading institutions and corporate partners.

source: press service of the art cluster “Tavrida.ART”

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