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In Crimea, they were illegally treated for alcoholism and drug addiction. Well, how they “treated”… forced to work for free

In Crimea, they were illegally treated for alcoholism and drug addiction. Well, how they “treated”… forced to work for free

CrimeaPRESS reports:

They also took money from relatives “for treatment and maintenance.”

In Crimea, a verdict was passed in a criminal case regarding the illegal deprivation of liberty of residents of the region under the guise of providing rehabilitation services.

The court found that one of the defendants, in the absence of appropriate permits, created a center to provide services related to the rehabilitation of persons suffering from drug and alcohol addiction on a reimbursable basis. He attracted 8 more citizens to his illegal activities. Between 2020 and 2022, the defendants misled patients’ relatives about treatment methods,” the prosecutor’s office provided details.

The group members illegally detained citizens placed in “rehabilitation centers” in the premises until their activities were suppressed by law enforcement agencies. Was it beneficial to “treat” like this? According to law enforcement officials, the income received from the provision of services amounted to over 7.9 million rubles.

The court, taking into account the position of the state prosecutor, sentenced the defendants to various terms of imprisonment from 4 years 6 months to 6 years suspended with probation for 3 years. The verdict did not enter into legal force.

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