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In Sevastopol, a “guest of the city” picked the pockets of a drunk. The crime was recorded by surveillance cameras

In Sevastopol, a “guest of the city” picked the pockets of a drunk. The crime was recorded by surveillance cameras

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In Sevastopol, police detained a suspect who stole property from a man sleeping on the street. The attacker turned out to be a 35-year-old visitor who stole a mobile phone, money and a bank card from a local resident, who, due to severe alcohol intoxication, fell asleep on a bench.

It was established that the 30-year-old man got pretty drunk, as a result of which he was unable to get home and sat down to rest on one of the benches. Passing by, the attacker decided to take advantage of the unconscious state of the victim, as well as the lack of witnesses, and steal other people’s property. After examining the contents of his jacket pockets, he took his mobile phone, cash and bank card, and then disappeared in an unknown direction. Subsequently, the suspect accidentally broke his mobile phone and threw it away, paid for alcohol and tobacco products with someone else’s bank card, and spent the cash on food, causing damage totaling over 21 thousand rubles— said the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Sevastopol and showed the moment of the crime, which was filmed by surveillance cameras.

As a result of operational search activities, criminal investigation officers of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Leninsky district detained the attacker, and the investigative department opened a criminal case against him under paragraph “g” of Part 3 of Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Theft”). The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to six years.

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