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In Sevastopol, after a major overhaul, a bicycle path will appear on Gorpischenko Street

CrimeaPRESS reports:

As part of the national project «Safe quality roads» in Sevastopol, the overhaul of Gorpischenko Street continues. It also includes the installation of a bike path. Work is underway on a 4.1 km section — from Nikolai Ostrovsky Street to Laboratornoye Highway.

The contractor «Vesta» has started milling the old road surface and laying a new layer of asphalt.

The motor road along Gorpischenko Street required repair for a long time. The old pavement was largely worn out, and all communications that run under the highway fell into disrepair. In addition, in recent years, the number of people living in the area of ​​​​Gorpischenko Street has increased significantly and it was necessary to ensure road safety by bringing the road into a standard state , — said the head of the technical control department and the laboratory of the Directorate for Road Development transport infrastructure Viktor Kologrimov.

As part of the overhaul, road specialists will reorganize and ensure the protection of all engineering communications, replace side stones and asphalt concrete pavement, equip exits to residential buildings and install new car pavilions. The movement of public transport during the period of work is carried out continuously.

After the overhaul, two traffic lanes will remain on Gorpischenko Street: the road is not being widened due to dense residential development. The average width of the carriageway will be from 7 to 8 meters.

Recall, in total, under the program of the national project «Safe High-Quality Roads» in 2022 year, it is planned to repair asphalt concrete pavement at 50 facilities with a total length of over 66 km.

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В Севастополе после капремонта на улице Горпищенко появится велодорожка

Photo: press service of the government of Sevastopol.

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