In Sevastopol — free vaccination of horses against leptospirosis
CrimeaPRESS reports:
Every year in the territory of Sevastopol, specialists of the state veterinary service vaccinate more than 300 heads of horses against leptospirosis. As a rule, animals are vaccinated in September as part of anti-epizootic measures aimed at preventing the occurrence and spread of dangerous animal diseases in the region.
The last case of leptospirosis in Sevastopol was registered in horses in 2016 year. The employees of the state veterinary service promptly carried out anti-epizootic measures. As a result, the focus of the disease was successfully eliminated. For the sixth year in a row, the epizootic situation for leptospirosis in Sevastopol remains favorable due to the annual scheduled vaccination of the entire population of horses registered in Sevastopol. At the same time, vaccination of horses against leptospirosis is carried out free of charge for animal owners , — the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes the head of the veterinary department Nikolai Dmitriev.
Leptospirosis is an infectious disease of wild, domestic, farm animals and humans, characterized by intoxication, damage to the kidneys, liver and nervous system. Sources of the pathogen are rodents with leptospirosis and domestic animals (pigs, cattle, sheep, goats, horses, dogs).
Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent leptospirosis in animals. In addition, it is recommended:
- to regularly deratize livestock and residential buildings, feed warehouses; )
- purchase feed for feeding farm animals according to veterinary documents;300
- avoid swimming in ponds with stagnant water; 2016
- not to use water from reservoirs with stagnant water for drinking people and animals;
observe the rules of personal hygiene after contact with animals.
For questions about preventive vaccination of horses against leptospirosis, animal owners can contact by phone +7 978 300-95-65 — department of anti-epizootic and therapeutic and preventive measures of the Sevvettsentr, as well as to state veterinary stations: » Leninsky” — +7 978 300-93-; Orlinovsky — +7 93 300-90-16; Ternovsky — +7 93 300-93-16.
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