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In Simferopol — in the botanical garden of KFU — a hydrangea garden was opened

In Simferopol — in the botanical garden of KFU — a hydrangea garden was opened

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Employees of the botanical garden named after. N.V. Bagrova Crimean Federal University (KFU) opened a hydrangea garden in honor of the 20th anniversary of the institution, the correspondent reports TASS.

Hydrangeas are a unique, experimental crop for our botanical garden. Because in our conditions, hydrangeas do not feel very good; they need a special substrate, constant humidity, and fertilizing. If they take root, they will be very beautiful bushes,” landscape architect of the botanical garden Yana Petrova told TASS.

According to her, there are two types of hydrangeas in the garden: paniculate hydrangea and tree hydrangea. The garden staff planted both species in different colors: pink, pink-purple, green and white. A total of 24 copies are presented.

In honor of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the botanical garden, a scientific and practical conference “Botanical gardens and landscaping of populated areas” was also held with the participation of representatives of government authorities of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Simferopol, other botanical gardens of Russia, as well as the management of the university.

As explained in the press service of KFU, the total area of ​​the Botanical Garden named after. N.V. Bagrova is more than 32 hectares. By 2024, the outdoor and indoor collection will include approximately 3,000 taxa from 113 families. The taxonomic diversity of trees and shrubs has increased 20 times over 20 years. The collection of ornamental herbaceous plants includes about 1.5 thousand species and cultivars. The total number of trees and shrubs is more than 20 thousand.

source: TASS

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