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Leaders of student labor groups are being trained in Crimea

Leaders of student labor groups are being trained in Crimea

CrimeaPRESS reports:

From January 20 to 21 at the Crimean Federal University named after. IN AND. Vernadsky passed the Regional School for training command staff of student detachments of the Republic of Crimea. Its participants included more than 50 commanders, commissars and masters of student detachments of leading universities in Crimea.

The school of command staff of student detachments is an effective base for training leaders of linear student detachments to work at work sites, improve their professional competencies and leadership qualities, discuss all problematic situations in work and prospects for the development of student detachments of the Republic of Crimea in 2024. The school will be held in three stages: an introductory part, an on-site instruction, and after completing the school there will be a defense of design work aimed at the development of teams.

Leaders of student labor groups are being trained in Crimea Leaders of student labor groups are being trained in Crimea Leaders of student labor groups are being trained in Crimea Leaders of student labor groups are being trained in Crimea

Over the course of two days, commanders, commissars and foremen worked through the goals and objectives for the year, consolidated their knowledge of working with documentation, and analyzed conflict situations and the features of all work projects.

After completing the educational course, participants took a final test. Those who passed the certification were awarded certificates of successful completion of the Regional School of Command Staff of Student Teams of the Republic of Crimea.

Leaders of student labor groups are being trained in Crimea. The regional school of student teams of the Republic of Crimea plays an important role in the formation of team potential. This is not only an opportunity for beginners, but also for experienced fighters to improve their leadership skills. We paid special attention to the development strategy of student teams, and the teams are ready to work productively for the benefit of the region. I express my gratitude to the organizers for a busy weekend, – said the head of student teams of the Republic of Crimea Vladimir Kaidansky.

Information and photos provided by the press service of the Crimean regional branch of the International Public Organization «Russian Student Teams»

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