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Meganom Academy: enrollment is open for an educational program for young filmmakers

Meganom Academy: enrollment is open for an educational program for young filmmakers

CrimeaPRESS reports:

From May 13 to 19, the Academy of Creative Industries “Meganom” (project “Tavrida.ART” from Rosmolodezh) will host a new educational program “Youth creative community of film professionals “MOST”. Registration for the program is open from March 20 to April 20 at website art cluster «Tavrida» and in the application «Meganome» on the social network VKontakte.

The Meganom Academy is launching a new educational program that is suitable for film, animation and editing directors, as well as sound engineers, cameramen, producers and animators. Young professionals in the field of cinema and animation will have the opportunity to unleash their creative potential under the guidance of leading cinematographers.

The training will be conducted by experienced professionals — directors, cameramen, producers, animation directors. The experts will be producer Andrei Kretov, theater and film actor Aristarkh Venes, screenwriter Andrei Zolotarev, cameraman Olga Livinskaya, director Said Dashuk-Nigmatulin, animator Tatyana Ilyina and others.

Together with experts, program participants will create their own cinematic work, which will subsequently be presented at film festivals and other specialized events. And the knowledge, experience and contacts gained can become a starting point for participants in further development and professional careers.

As a result of the program, young professionals will expand their creative connections, improve their shooting, editing and post-production skills, understand the intricacies of the cinematic process, gain experience working with professional equipment and software, experience creating their own film projects, participating in real filming, and much more.

source: press service of the art cluster “Tavrida.ART”

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