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Mobile application of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia: personal assistant in various extreme situations

Mobile application of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia: personal assistant in various extreme situations

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The mobile safety application «EMERCOM of Russia» is designed as a personal assistant to the user and is designed to promote the formation of a culture of safe behavior among the younger generation and adults.

The service will help you navigate and instantly find information about actions in case of an emergency and will be useful both at home and on vacation. Six sections with useful information have been developed: “What to do”, “EMERCOM recommends”, “First aid”, “Risk map”, “Check your readiness”, “Test your knowledge”.

So, in the section “What to do?” The user has access to the procedure and rules of behavior in an emergency situation with a voice assistant. The “Ministry of Emergency Situations Recommends” section is a repository of safety knowledge that talks about the causes of emergencies and their prevention. “First Aid” contains information about the actions to provide first aid to the victim before the arrival of doctors. The “Risk Map” contains a daily operational forecast of possible natural hazards. The sections “Check your readiness” and “Test your knowledge” are interactive and contain checklists for checking personal readiness and the readiness of your home for possible emergencies, as well as various tests to test your knowledge of actions in case of emergencies.

The application allows you to call the rescue service, as well as determine the geolocation, which it can share if necessary.

Developed by specialists from the Information and Analytical Center of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, the application is available for free download in online stores.

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