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More than 100 people applied for a free course on system administration in Technopark «IT Crimea»

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On July 3, Technopark «IT Crimea» launches a free course «Start in IT. System Administration for Beginners. The training will take place online, in the format of webinars, video lectures, workshops, and will last 2 weeks. Anyone can apply for the course: final year students, young professionals — the main thing is that they have a background on the topic of the course and basic knowledge that is checked during the incoming testing. Based on the results of the training, the best students on the course will be able to receive a job offer.

At the moment, 114 applications have already been submitted from 17 cities, including from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Tyumen, 40 people are enrolled in the course.

The topic of system administration plays a key role in the IT profession and is of high importance. A system administrator is responsible for installing, configuring, maintaining, and maintaining computer systems and networks in an organization. The curriculum includes an overview of modern data center architecture, networking and storage systems, and UNIX/Linux administration issues. The course provides an opportunity not only to obtain theoretical information, but also to work out the acquired knowledge in practice.

The IT sector in Russia has great development prospects and creates many opportunities for specialists in various fields, participation in the free program «employment through training» will help you quickly start your career.

The peculiarity of our courses is that they are developed and conducted by key technical specialists of ITGLOBAL.COM Group, who have relevant practical work experience, implement complex projects and are well versed in their subject. Within our group of companies, further professional growth is possible for any employee, we have cases of growth to the head or founder of a startup— notes a serial IT entrepreneur, venture investor, founder of ITGLOBAL.COM Group of Companies and Technopark «IT Crimea» Dmitry Gachko.

News of the Crimea | CrimeaPRESS

Find out more:  Important: from July 1, logging into the electronic diary will be carried out through the government services portal

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