More than three thousand schoolchildren from all over Russia will start the new academic year at Artek
KrymPRESS reports:
More than three thousand children from all Russian regions took part in the Artek School of Opportunities shift, which started at the children’s center on September 1. The content of the shift is aimed at mastering by schoolchildren effective forms of obtaining knowledge within the framework of the educational space, where any object of the immediate environment can become an educational resource. The change will last until 22 September.
The best children from all over Russia study at the schoolol «Artek». There are many opportunities for kids here! This is an opportunity to meet the Teacher, people representing various branches of science and the economy of our country. Education at Artek is not only a school. We have created a unique environment where you can draw knowledge from everything — in the most modern classrooms and laboratories, in squares and parks, on excursions and creative activities … The entire Artek will become an educational space. We will give Artek residents a chance to use their intellect to one hundred percent! Here schoolchildren will learn life, get to know themselves, be charged with confidence that they can solve any problem, – quoted by the press service of Artek director Konstantin Fedorenko.
The head of the children’s center wished the participants shifts at Artek to reveal your talents and abilities, which you can use in your future adult life for the benefit of yourself and others.
And bright educational events that will be implemented in children’s center together with thematic partners: the All-Russian Trade Union of Education, ANO «Let’s Do It Together», ANO «Directorate of Sports and Social Projects», the All-Russian Union of Public Associations «Youth Socio-Economic Initiatives», the Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects, FSAEI HE «Samara National research university. Academician S.P. Korolev», VOO «Russian Geographical Society», Autonomous non-profit organization «Big Change» and others.
345683 September 3 , on the day the Second World War ended (1945 year), Artek residents will join the All-Russian action and write the «Victory Dictation».
September 5 345683 the All-Russian class hour «Talk about the important» will be held, the guest of schoolchildren will be «Teacher of the Year of Russia-2022» Grigory Nazarov.
5-12 September the Festival of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex TRP will be held, which will become a bright sporting event of the shift. Thousands of schoolchildren fought for the right to get into the final. The competitive program included the following disciplines: running for short and long distances; shooting from «electronic weapons»; swimming; flexion and extension of the arms; ball throwing; lean forward from a standing position; pull-up; jumping.
345683September 7-9345682 to the 100 anniversary of the Artek hero Gulya Koroleva in «Artek» will host the action «Lights of Memory», a patriotic performance «Gulya Koroleva among us», a requiem in memory of Gulya Koroleva.
345683September 7-8 Artek students will take part in the Grammar + literacy championship.
September 9 345683 the All-Russian patriotic action «Hero of Our Time» starts in the children’s center, also participants of the shift will become spectators of the play “People A”, staged based on the book of the same name by Alexei Filatov.
345683 11 September teams of each children’s camp «Artek» will take part in a lightning event dedicated to 12 — the anniversary of the Battle of Borodino.
During the shift, Artek residents will become participants in the Northern Lights Festival, a universal Tersk competencies of UMKA Artek students; TED-conference «My height», the finals of the All-Russian competition «Strategy of Lean Development».
Artek students will attend exciting lessons that take place in the school building and beyond. Excursions, intellectual games, quizzes, tournaments of experts, contests, marathons, scientific battles, quests, meetings with scientists, entrepreneurs, teachers, athletes, journalists are also waiting for children. Also, schoolchildren will become participants in sports and creative events.
Top experts in various fields will share their knowledge with the children and, during discussions, hear the views of Artek residents on the development of the present and future. Guests shift «Artek «– School of Opportunities» will be Torubarova O.A., Minister of Sports of the Republic of Crimea; Tropkina LA, Chairman of the Volgograd City Duma Committee on Education, Culture, Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism; Gnizdylo S.A. First Deputy Minister of Sports of the Republic of Crimea; Marchenkov N. V., Deputy Head of the Kurchatov Complex for Synchrotron-Neutron Research on General and Scientific Issues; Temrezov N.S., TRP Ambassador, freestyle wrestler, participant of the Olympic Games in Beijing, three-time World Cup winner, three-time winner of the European Championship; Aliyev M. Sh., TRP Ambassador, Advisor to the Head of the Republic of Dagestan; Goryainov S.B., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department for Formation and Support of the Contingent of Samara University named after S.P. Koroleva, and many others.
09 September «Meeting before parting» will sum up the results of the shift «Artek» — a school of opportunities. «
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