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New Year's signs are observed by 4 out of 10 Crimeans

New Year's signs are observed by 4 out of 10 Crimeans

CrimeaPRESS reports:

4 out of 10 economically active citizens believe in the magic of the New Year. In an open service survey SuperJob Crimeans shared New Year’s signs and rituals that they observe on the festive night.

On New Year’s Day, 4 out of 10 Crimeans observe special signs and rituals. 13% of respondents make wishes during the chimes. 8% believe that “while the clock strikes 12,” you need to drink a glass of champagne to the bottom. Another 4% hope that the New Year will be successful if there are traditional dishes on the festive table. 4% of respondents write a wish on a piece of paper as the chimes strike, burn it, throw the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink to the bottom. 2% celebrate the New Year in new clothes. 1% of respondents make sure to light a garland on the Christmas tree or sparklers on New Year’s Eve, watch the fireworks, and listen to the president’s congratulations. 9% of city residents shared other signs and rituals that they observe on New Year’s Eve, including: exchanging gifts, celebrating the New Year with family, watching Soviet New Year’s comedies, festivities, fortune telling, coins under the tablecloth and a souvenir symbol of the next year on the table,” noted the service’s press service.

Dates: December 15-25, 2023

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