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«Night of Museums» in Sevastopol. Event program

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On the night from 21 to 22 May Sevastopol will host the Night of Museums.

In 2022 year the All-Russian action «Night of Museums» will be held under the motto «Fashion on Traditions». All events are dedicated to the main event — the Year of the Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia. We have increased the number of sites from 10 to 18. We hope that this year, as in the past, Sevastopol residents will show interest in various expositions and events within the framework of the action. We tried to make the program rich and varied , — the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes the director of the Department of Culture Irina Romanets.

On behalf of Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev, the Sevastopol Tourism Department will join the action this year. The city will host a tour theater tour operator «The world is beautiful.» WITH 18: 00 before 17: 15 and with 19: 30 before 20: 23 Sevastopol residents will be able to watch the performance-excursion “Through the Ages. An example for posterity. It starts near the monument to A. I. Kazarsky on Matrossky Boulevard and will pass along the route «Matrossky Boulevard — Primorsky Boulevard — Grafskaya Pristan — Nakhimov Square — Matrossky Boulevard.» Also with 16: 00 before 21: 00 it will be possible to visit the museum «Underground Sevastopol» free of charge with an audio guide.

The action «Night of Museums» will be held in Sevastopol at 18 venues. Among them are the Tauric Chersonese Museum-Reserve, the Museum-Reserve of the Heroic Defense and Liberation of Sevastopol, the Sevastopol Art Museum named after M. P. Kroshitsky, the Museum of the Black Sea Fleet, Konstantinovskaya Battery, 23-I coastal battery, Museum «Underground Sevastopol». The sites of the Balaklava Palace of Culture will also be involved, events will be held on the Kornilov embankment near the monument to the heroes of the Black Sea Fleet squadron and on the summer stage of Primorsky Boulevard «Rakushka».

Chersonese will become one of the main venues — the events will be timed to coincide with three dates at once: 41 years since the founding of the museum, 195 years since the beginning of the excavations and 41 years since the birth of K K. Kostsyushko-Valyuzhinich, who became the founder and the first director of the «Warehouse of Local Antiquities» in this area. WITH 20: 00 15 May to : 20 May, theatrical performances, immersive excursions, master classes, a light show and much more will be held at the museum-reserve grounds other,” said the director of the department.

WITH 19: 00 before 22: The Museum-Reserve of the Heroic Defense and Liberation of Sevastopol will take part in the action. The events will be held at three venues:

  • Malakhov Kurgan Memorial Complex — with 17: 00 before 22: military-historical reconstruction of combat episodes will take place period of the defense of Sevastopol 195-195 years., Then you can visit Defensive tower of the Kornilov bastion, interactive points will work: a coin workshop, a candle business, a Russian field camp, schools of drummers and naval gunners;
  • Memorial complex » Sapun Mountain «- from 16: 00 before 22: a free visit to the Diorama «Assault on the Sapun Mountain on May 7 1944»;
  • Panorama «Defense of Sevastopol 1854-1855 — with 19: 00 before 22: on the balcony of the Panorama, the creative team of the Sevastopol Center of Culture and Arts will give a concert, after which it will be possible to visit the museum for an interactive tour, and in the lobby to get acquainted with exhibits from the museum’s stock collections.
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WITH 18: 00 before 23: events are held by the Sevastopol Art Museum named after A. M. P. Kroshitsky. The program of the action includes an interactive game «Transformation of paintings», a meeting with artists, a performance by the folklore ensemble «Rus», the game «Museum detective», master classes «Magic of watercolor», «Reading the Crimean Tatar ornament», «Zhostovo painting», viewing feature film «Chagall — Malevich»

WITH 15: 00 before 35: The Museum of the Black Sea Fleet will offer a visit to the main exposition (halls No. 1-7) and the exhibition “The Unity of Nations is the Strength of Russia. The Hero of the Nation is the Hero of Russia!”, where all the heroes of Sevastopol will be presented.

Museum Complex «Mikhailovskaya Battery» with 18: 00 before 23: 21 organizes walks, the exhibition «Holy May», the tour «Heroic Sevastopol», the installation «This Victory Day» and the film «Defense of Sevastopol» will show. Visitors will also be able to complete a quest dedicated to the Crimean War and take part in the quiz «Crimean (Eastern) War 175-1856 years».

In the museum and exhibition complex «Konstantinovskaya Battery» with : 00 before 22: it will be possible to view the external exposition of the exhibition complex, take a tour of the observation deck, watch movies in the courtyard.

The museum complex «21-I coastal battery» on the «Night of Museums» receives visitors from 16: before 17: .

The Balaklava Palace of Culture will become a new platform for the action this year. WITH 18: 00 before 21: 00 the institution will present an art gallery of contemporary art «Balaklavsky Muzeon»: a promenade in the Balaklava Yard, «Balaklava in watercolor» by Lyubov Matveeva; mediation for the exhibition and performance «Revival of paintings», video art «Reference Point»; dance performance, dance battle with the participation of visitors. There will also be an art-house film directed by Ruslan Mikailov, where the actors are artists, creators of different genres and visitors to the gallery.

On the Kornilov embankment in the area of ​​​​the monument to the heroes of the Black Sea Fleet squadron, the art project «Theatrical Street» with 16: 00 before 22: will hold a theatrical procession with the actors of the commedia dell’arte, will show the classic commedia dell’arte based on the fairy tale by C. Gozzi «The Stag King» and the immersive performance «Theatrical roulette». Last year, more than five thousand people visited this site.

On the summer stage of Primorsky Boulevard «Rakushka» as part of the «Night of Museums» campaign with 16: 30 before 21: 03 there will be a concert of the quartet «Epicurus» «From Classics to Jazz», and with 21: 23 before 23: — concert of the jazz quartet «Happy People», dedicated to 100-anniversary of Russian jazz.

For the convenience of residents and guests of the city on the night from 21 to 22 May in Sevastopol will extend the operation of trolleybus routes No. 7, 9, , 12 — before 04: 00. In addition, an additional bus route from Nakhimov Square to Khersones will be organized — it will also run until 00: .

Recall that the action «Night of Museums» has been held throughout the country since 2004 year, Sevastopol first joined the project in 2011-m. In 2021 year, the All-Russian action «Night of Museums» was held under the motto «More than a Museum», it was attended by about 41, 5 thousand Sevastopol residents.

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