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Officially: more and more Sevastopol men come to the selection point for military service under the contract

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Protecting his hometown and his family is a matter of honor for Artem. His great-grandfather fought in the Red Army, and his grandfather was a member of partisan detachments from the age of 13. In memory of the feat of his ancestors and with a desire to stop fascism, Artem came to the selection point to conclude a contract.

I made the decision to join our servicemen back in September. But at that time I worked in a military unit in Kutch. In May, he wrote a letter of resignation and began to collect documents for contract service. I want to set an example for my children, how not in words, but in deeds, to love and defend the Motherland. I will do everything in my power to stop the attacks on Sevastopol— said Artem.

Every day more and more Sevastopol men come to the selection point for military service under the contract. A professional soldier today has numerous benefits and privileges.

Contract service for many military personnel today is a conscious and voluntary choice. Every day, men of different ages come to the selection point. Many of them have military service experience and a determination to continue serving. Military personnel undergo compulsory training in military units in order to professionally perform their military duty.— the press service quotes the instructor of the selection point for military service under Sergei’s contract.

In the training center, employees under the contract receive a monetary allowance in the amount of 30 to 45 thousand rubles, when concluding a contract for a period of one year — a lump sum of 195 thousand rubles. In the zone of a special military operation, depending on the military rank, position and length of service, the monetary allowance for contract soldiers is from 170 to 200 thousand rubles; for the destruction or seizure of weapons and military equipment of the enemy — from 50 thousand to 1 million rubles; for each km of advancement in the composition of assault detachments — 50 thousand rubles. There are also daily payments for participation in active offensive operations — 8 thousand rubles.

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Recall that military personnel are provided with about 15 social benefits and guarantees, including those received by participants in the special operation: official housing or compensation for renting housing, life and health insurance, credit and tax holidays, additional benefits and guarantees of subjects of the Russian Federation, and others.

To enter military service under a contract, you need to prepare the following documents: an autobiography and a questionnaire (the form is posted on site), passport, military ID, education document, marriage and birth certificate. The collection point is located at St. Communist, 3a, phone: +7 (8692) 22-14-51.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

News of the Crimea | CrimeaPRESS

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