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On Tatyana's Day, Crimean students collected books for transfer to orphanages

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Студенты Крыма в День студента собрали книги для передачи в детдома

01 January at the Crimean Federal University. V.I.Vernadsky, students of Crimean universities held a book fair dedicated to the Day of Russian Students (Tatiana’s Day).

The fair was aimed at collecting books, which on the International Book Giving Day, students will donate to the libraries of orphanages in Crimea. The book fair has already become a good tradition, held as part of the “Give a Book to a Child” volunteer action and implemented by Crimean student teams on the initiative of the student pedagogical team “Condor”.

The “Give a Book to a Child” campaign is aimed at developing volunteerism, replenishing the funds of libraries in orphanages, introducing children and adolescents to reading, and the opportunity to donate books that will serve many generations of young readers.

At the fair, students could donate or exchange their children’s books for new modern literature dedicated to the history and nature of Crimea. This aroused great interest among students, thanks to whose efforts only today it was possible to collect more than a hundred children’s books.

I am glad to participate in the fair and I am sure that new books will not only take their rightful place on the bookshelves, but will also bring joy to little readers. The action «By give a book to a child» unites everyone who gives books to children and instills they love reading, because a paper book remains a relevant gift and does not lose its value even in the age of information technology , — said Ilyana Nasirova, a candidate for the fighters of the SPO «Condor».

Information and photos provided by the press service of the Crimean regional branch of the International Public Organization «Russian Student Teams»

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