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Participants of the project “My business. The first thing ”became more than 11 thousand people. Sevastopol residents, including

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The online training project of the Ministry of Economic Development, the Business Environment platform and VK for start-up entrepreneurs My Business. First thing.» It is implemented within the framework of the national project «Small and Medium Enterprises» on the basis of the development program «Another Business» of the presidential platform «Russia — a country of opportunities». During 10 weeks, participants under the guidance of mentors will go from a business idea to its implementation. More than 11 thousand people from 85 regions of Russia decided to try their hand at entrepreneurship.

This project is a great way for entrepreneurs to gain new knowledge and immediately put it into practice. During the training program, participants will learn the tools for doing business, and mentors will help bring ideas to life. The number of participants today already shows that such programs are in demand and relevant.— the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes the director of the department of economic development of Sevastopol Denis Profatilov.

The training is divided into three stages. The first one, the Pre-Axelerator, will run until June 9th. Participants will develop an idea for their future business, form a business model and prepare a video presentation of the project to move to the next stage.

The second stage — «Accelerator» — will last from June 13 to July 22. Within its framework, aspiring entrepreneurs will learn the secrets of promoting a business in social networks, receive bonuses for launching an advertising campaign, and start testing their business in real time.

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The final stage is the protection of the project. It will take place on July 25th. Participants will have to defend their ideas and business plan in front of experts who will give valuable advice on the further development of the business.

To join the project, you can apply for website.

Recall that points are awarded for each completed task in the “Another Business” application. They can be exchanged for bonuses: subscriptions to online services, travel around the country, souvenirs. In addition, all participants who have reached the accelerator stage will receive a coupon for launching the first advertising campaign on the VK Reklama platform, as well as free admission to the Business Environment Premium private club for entrepreneurs.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

News of the Crimea | CrimeaPRESS

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