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Sevastopol entrepreneurs affected by shelling will be able to receive compensation

Sevastopol entrepreneurs affected by shelling will be able to receive compensation

CrimeaPRESS reports:

To determine the total preliminary amount of damage, entrepreneurs affected by Saturday’s shelling need to carry out the most detailed photo and video recording of the damage, and also independently, with the participation of employees of their enterprises, draw up a report on preliminary damage, indicating which object was damaged, the area of ​​the object, its address, what damage was caused .

The package of documents that need to be collected can be found at link. The application form can also be found at link.

Starting Monday, you must contact the Department of Economic Development of the city of Sevastopol by phone + 7 (8692) 54-21-40 during business hours or by sending an email for advice on further actions.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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