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Space Boulevard at Artek International Children's Center: getting acquainted with technologies, creating the future

KrymPRESS informs:

In the framework of the Festival of Technology and Technical Creativity, Artek hosted an immersive exhibition «Space Boulevard». The most technological event of the spring brought together 2500 children from all Russian regions, representatives of leading technical universities, space and aviation industries. Pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Titov became a guest of the children’s center that day. The cosmonaut visited the exhibition, and then talked with Artek residents — participants in the profile program of Roscosmos in the Khrustalny camp.

we try to show how a child can direct this interest in a constructive direction, for the benefit of himself and Russia. Together with partners, we prepare children for design, engineering, inventive activities, we form their interest in new areas of science and technology. This is our contribution to the preservation and development of the intellectual potential for the innovative economy of Russia , — the press service of the IDC quotes the director of Artek Konstantin Fedorenko.

The event in Artek was supported by the state corporation Roscosmos, NUST MISIS, Moscow Aviation Institute, School of Robotics SPb, PJSC UAC, Samara University, NPP E-NOT, Kurchatov Institute, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Petra Veliky, CF Sistema, Federal Treasury, League of Young Journalists.

The program includes more than a hundred different activities: an interactive launch of a launch vehicle, a master class «Space Systems Engineering», a scientific and technical show «Assembly of a Rocket CanSat» , the work of the design bureau and the astronomical laboratory, master classes in processing data from remote sensing of the Earth, rocket science, 3D-modeling, programming, microelectronics, pharmaceutical design .

Artek residents also had a chance to talk to a friend of the children’s center, pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Titov. Vladimir Georgievich visited the locations of the «Cosmic Boulevard», talked with teachers and went on air with young journalists.

I liked the exhibition — very diverse, interesting, the guys are all enthusiastic — great! Artek is a unique place, and children who come here return home with a wealth of knowledge, skills and acquaintances, Vladimir Titov notes.

The immersive exhibition helped children broaden their horizons, test their knowledge in the field of natural sciences, and try their hand at technical creativity. And for someone, it may be a step towards choosing a future profession.

, at what height … This is interesting! Events such as today help to find out what is happening in space and lure a new generation into this field of science. If we think about the future in this area, then I would be interested in exploring new materials found in space , — says Konstantin Petukhov from Perm.

«Space Boulevard» also became a kind of «open day» — all the studios of the Center for additional education and children’s creativity «Artek» deployed their sites here.

«Космический бульвар» в МДЦ «Артек»: знакомимся с технологиями, создаем будущее «Космический бульвар» в МДЦ «Артек»: знакомимся с технологиями, создаем будущее «Космический бульвар» в МДЦ «Артек»: знакомимся с технологиями, создаем будущее «Космический бульвар» в МДЦ «Артек»: знакомимся с технологиями, создаем будущее

INFORMATION: The festival of technologies and technical creativity is the main event of the Artek Star Wind shift. The festival is aimed at preparing the younger generation for design, engineering, inventive and rationalization activities, maintaining and developing the intellectual potential for the innovative economy of Russia.

The purpose of the festival is to form the interest of children and adolescents in new areas of science and technology; expanding the mass character and increasing the effectiveness of children’s participation in scientific and technical creativity. 322299

photo: press service of ICC «Artek»322296

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