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SVO News. Situation as of 04/23/24. Combat map

SVO News. Situation as of 04/23/24. Combat map

CrimeaPRESS reports:

SVO News. Avdeevskoe direction. Russian units from the “Center” group of troops, taking advantage of the enemy’s disorganization, are moving deeper into the village Ocheretino. After capturing the southern outskirts of the village, the assault groups of the Russian Armed Forces crossed the railway track and secured a foothold in the central part of the village. The penetration into enemy defenses was up to 5 km. Fighting continues near neighboring Novokalinovo.

SVO news - OcheretinoAt the moment, the northern part of the settlement and the water canal area are being cleared, where scattered enemy groups may still remain. Also, the territory of the Altkom brick factory, located on the western outskirts of the village, still remains under the control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

In fact, the settlement is the dominant height. Having occupied this village, the Russian army has a free hand in several directions at once. The possibility of further advancement towards Pokrovsk, which is 30-32 km away, the movement of the Russian army north along the ridge of heights to Konstantinovka. There is also a logistical threat to the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the road connecting northern Donbass (the road between Pokrovsk and Konstantinovka).

On Artyomovsk direction fighting continues for Chasov Yar. Units of the Russian Armed Forces are accumulating reserves for further assaults on populated areas. According to unofficial information, the number of reserves is concentrated between 20 and 25 thousand. Russian military crossed the channel Seversky Donets — Donbass in a forest area on the southeastern outskirts of Chasov Yar. Fighting continues. The Armed Forces of Ukraine in the depths of Chasov Yar are setting up firing positions, preparing for active defense, and mining approaches and roads.

SVO News. Chasov YarThe Ukrainian Armed Forces are urgently preparing new lines of defense, and the main one is the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal. It was equipped during the assault on Bakhmut, and the canal itself is a natural anti-tank line, insurmountable for both armored vehicles and vehicles, and the enemy blew up all crossings across the canal during the assault on Bakhmut.

The deciduous forest has been completely cleared and is under the control of 217 RAPs. A series of bomb attacks were carried out on the enemy in Konstantinovka and Chasov Yar. Over the last hour there have been about 10 FABs.

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Ocheretino, what’s next — review ‘Military chronicle’

Where will the Russian army advance after the capture of Ocheretino (SVO News)

At the moment, the village is clearing and checking the fire lines left by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, but movement may continue in the near future.

Why was Ocheretino taken so quickly?

One of the reasons was the flight from the positions of units of the 115th Mechanized Infantry Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. This unit was actually abandoned as a human shield, after which the local commanders decided to abandon the village and retreat. This allowed units of the 30th Motorized Rifle Brigade from Samara (they also participated in the breakthrough to Avdeevka) and the 27th Motorized Rifle Brigade to quickly break through to the center of Ocheretin and begin mopping up.

Why was Ocheretino so important?

As soon as the village and its surroundings are cleared and protected, and the reinforcement groups are occupied by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the northwestern part, the key height and a large number of buildings will make it possible to create an ideal center for the concentration of forces. This is what Chasov Yar was like for the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the stage of the battle for Artyomovsk, but the Ukrainian army was unable to properly manage the favorable conditions at that time.

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How will Russian troops move forward?

After the capture of Ocheretin, it may be logical to make a new push along the tactical heights and advance towards the logistics hub of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Novogrodovka — Selidovo — Pokrovsk — Mirnograd. Much in this matter will depend on the continued activity of operational-tactical aviation and the use of aerial bombs, the work of artillery and the attempts of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to recapture the dominant heights. In addition, there is still no clarity about the fate of the Ukrainian Armed Forces garrison between Berdychi and Novopokrovsky. After advancing to Ocheretino from the north and to Netailovo from the south, these units are half-covered and do not have a significant chance of any success even at the tactical level. However, the command of the OSG Tavria is not yet in a hurry to withdraw them.

SVO news 04/23/24. On the fronts

At night, the Russian Armed Forces hit enemy targets in Odessa and Ochakov, Nikolaev region, explosions were heard in the Kyiv and Cherkassy regions, as well as in Krivoy Rog. During the day, targets were intensively destroyed in the Kharkov region, and footage of the fall of a television tower in Kharkov was widely circulated.

On Kherson direction, the Russian Armed Forces resumed heavy assault operations in Krynki. FABs and UMPCs are being actively used along the enemy shore, and there is mutual artillery shelling.

On Zaporozhye front of the Russian Armed Forces repelled enemy attacks in Rabotino and north-west of Verbovoy. The front line remains unchanged.

On Vremevsky direction, the Russian Armed Forces are carrying out active operations near Staromayorsky and Urozhayny, the fortified areas of the Ukrainian Armed Forces erected since the summer create difficulties in advancing.

On Yuzhno-Donetsk direction, after consolidating in Novomikhailovka, which was liberated the other day, the next targets of the Russian Armed Forces are Paraskovievka and Konstantinovka — important logistics points for the enemy. Heavy fighting is taking place on the southern and eastern outskirts of Krasnogorovka.

IN Belgorod region At night they repelled a massive attack, many targets were shot down. Also, enemy UAVs were destroyed during the day over the Yakovlevsky urban district and over the Belgorod region. The governor said that in the Belgorod region, during shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a total of 120 residents of the region were killed and 651 people were injured.

IN Bryansk region village was shelled Suzemka. The enemy fired 53 rounds of ammunition at the civilian population of the DPR; one civilian was wounded in Gorlovka as a result of a drop from a UAV.

Chasov Yar

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Chasov Yar now — SVO News

Interactive map — Avdeevka

TG materials used «Fisherman» and «Military Chronicle».

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