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SVO News. Situation as of 06/23/24. SVO map

SVO News. Situation as of 06/23/24. SVO map

CrimeaPRESS reports:

SVO news today, June 23, 2024 — summary of events from the fronts of the Northern Military District in Ukraine. The situation in various directions remains dynamic and requires constant monitoring.

Fierce fighting continues in the Volchansky direction. Russian troops successfully hold their positions, despite active counterattacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The enemy is trying to use drones and electronic warfare, but this does not bring significant results. In the northern part of the city, street battles continue, reminiscent of large-scale battles of World War II.

In other sectors of the front, such as the Kupyansk and Seversk directions, Russian forces are preparing for an offensive, actively striking enemy reserves. Intense fighting is taking place in the area of ​​Avdeevka, Krasnogorovka and Toretsk, where our troops are trying to improve their positions and cut off the enemy’s supply routes.

The situation remains difficult, but Russian troops continue to advance, strengthening their positions and creating the conditions for a further offensive.

Information is being updated, stay tuned to CrimeaPRESS!

Map of military operations in Ukraine today. SVO news — 06/23/24 (Kharkov direction)

Kharkov direction - Northern Military District Map

Kharkov direction — 04/22/24 — NWO map

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SVO news in Ukraine today — 06/23/24

Kharkov direction

Volchansk - Map of North Military District

Volchansk — Map of North Military District

On Volchansky direction the situation remains extremely tense. The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to attempt counterattacks, but so far without significant success. Our troops continue to hold their positions, despite the violent clashes that take place literally at every house. Particularly fierce fighting is taking place in the northern part of the city, where the situation is reminiscent of large-scale street battles of World War II. The general advance of Russian troops in the Volchansky direction is up to 100 meters. The enemy is trying to use its advantage in drones and electronic warfare, but this does not bring it a decisive advantage.

Volchansk today (Kharkov direction)

However, the Ukrainian troops, despite the losses they suffered, managed to advance in the northern sector of Volchansk. According to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), the Ukrainian Armed Forces recaptured several positions in the northeast of the city and advanced along Sobornaya Street. Activity of Ukrainian troops is also observed on the streets of Gogol and Oles Dosvitny.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have increased the frequency of use of high-precision American JDAM-ER bombs, which creates additional difficulties for Russian troops. Despite the airstrikes, Russian units entrenched themselves in several production buildings on the territory of the aggregate plant, holding strategically important positions.

Glubokoe - Map of North Eastern Military District

Glubokoe — Map of North Eastern Military District

On Liptsovsky direction due to heavy losses, the enemy did not take active actions. The Ukrainian Armed Forces is accumulating human and material reserves to carry out counter-offensive actions. If successful, the enemy will be able to push back Russian troops from the dominant heights in the Liptsy area, which will significantly reduce the threat to Kharkov. From a military point of view, this would be a significant achievement, but from a propaganda and perception perspective among Western partners, such a success would be more difficult to present as a significant victory. Meanwhile, in the Liptsovsky direction, after an unsuccessful attempt to break through towards the settlement of Glubokoye, the intensity of counterattacks from the Ukrainian Armed Forces decreased. The enemy is drawing up reserves and preparing for a new attack.

FAB-3000M54 arrives at an enemy target in the village. Liptsy

According to the Fightbomber channel, the attack was carried out on a temporary deployment point of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which was located in a multi-storey building. The deviation of the bomb from the target was about ten meters. This did not affect the effectiveness of the strike, “since the radius of continuous destruction of the FAB-3000 is 230 meters, and fragments retain their destructive power at a range of 1240 meters.”

What is more effective — FAB-1500 or FAB-3000: analysis of the “Military Chronicle”

The first and second use, presumably, of FAB-3000 at the position of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Liptsy (Kharkiv region) gave rise to controversy regarding the effectiveness of already used aerial bombs.

What are the pros and cons of FAB-3000?

Compared to the FAB-1500, the most powerful aerial bomb in the Northern Military District zone has almost twice the amount of explosives — 1400 kg. Another 1600 kg falls on the cast body.

The cast body is crushed during detonation and turns into destructive elements. Fragments of a large fraction are capable of crushing even small buildings, not to mention equipment or ammunition located both in the building and in an open way.

Taking into account the fact that the FAB-3000 is equipped with a universal planning module, its accuracy is significantly increased: using the navigation unit, the FAB-3000 can be “placed” on a target with a deviation of 5-20 m. Taking into account the power of the warhead, the displacement relative to the target during detonation has virtually no effect no role. Therefore, when highly protected objects in industrial zones are damaged, the feasibility of using FAB-3000 is undeniable.

The main problem with an aerial bomb is its mass. Weighing 3 tons, Su-34 front-line bombers can only carry one such aerial bomb. This significantly increases the requirements for UMPC electronics and requires obtaining accurate intelligence information about the target on which the bomb will be used. Moreover, to ensure a high release range and accuracy of the gliding FAB-3000, the UMPC module must have a significantly larger size and load-bearing wing area, as well as a larger area of ​​aerodynamic control surfaces, which significantly increases the radar signature of bombs and their carriers.

During one combat mission, the aircraft crew can hit only one target. This significantly reduces the capabilities and reduces the flexibility of operational-tactical aviation compared to the use of two to four FAB-1500 aerial bombs on suspensions, with the help of which one Su-34 crew has the ability to disrupt the integrity of enemy defenses in a defense zone of several kilometers. To hit several targets, the carrier will have to use the Tu-22M3 long-range missile carrier-bomber, which, due to its greater radar signature, is more vulnerable to enemy air defense systems.

Cm. — News of the Northern Military District in Ukraine today. (Kharkov direction — NWO Map)

Karlovka and Krasnohorivka

SVO map

Map of SVO — Sokol

There are no significant changes in the Avdeevsky direction. IN Karlovka Intense fighting continues, the progress of our troops is difficult to assess due to the intense fighting. Russian troops are trying to cut off the supply routes of the enemy group in Yasnobrodovka. This significantly complicates the position of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in this sector of the front. Fierce fighting is also taking place in Yasnobrodovka itself, without significant changes in positions. Our troops were able to improve to establish their positions between Alexandropol and New York, which stabilized the situation west of Gorlovka.

Russian troops have completed clearing enemy positions in the Sokol area and took several new positions, a large stronghold and reached the eastern outskirts of the village of Evgenovka from the north. Further advances are expected both to the west and to the south in order to deprive the enemy of the opportunity to effectively defend himself on the lines near Vasilyevka. This will provide flanks for a further attack on Soledar, Seversk and Pokrovsk.

SVO map

Map of SVO — Krasnogorovka

IN Krasnogorovka Heavy urban battles continue, the enemy holds his positions, but our troops are actively advancing. In the area of ​​the Ugledar-Konstantinovka road, our forces knocked out the Ukrainian Armed Forces from several positions, which may facilitate further advancement. There are reports of fighting on the western outskirts of Maksimilyanovka, west of Georgievka.

Find out more:  В 2024 году в Крыму по программе «Земский доктор/фельдшер» трудоустроено 64 специалиста

Toretsk – SVO News

South Toretsk our troops continue active operations. On the Mayorskoye-Toretsk direction, our troops fortified themselves in several strongholds. A powerful attack took place in the Shumov area, as a result of which the enemy was thrown back from forward positions. Our troops occupied a height that allows us to control the terrain many kilometers ahead. The Ukrainian Armed Forces have lost positions that they have held since 2014 and the Russian Armed Forces are close to entering the route that leads to Toretsk. Our units are advancing in the direction of Druzhba and Leninsky.

SVO map

Map of SVO — Shumy

The military-analytical resource DS, working for the Main Intelligence Directorate, publishes a report from the new offensive area of ​​​​Russian troops outside Gorlovka.
“In recent days, the area around the village of Severnoye has become a new extremely hot spot. The exact reason for the failure of the defense is still unknown. At the end of June 21, the Russians had still advanced along the street parallel to the railroad. In addition, they occupied the village of Shumy, the pumping station and dump 1. The Russians were also spotted at dump 2, and shooting battles in that area are not abating. The Russian Army will seek to build on its tactical success by bringing additional reserves into the area. Their goal is obvious – to occupy Toretsk,” sum up Ukrainian military propagandists.

Direction of Clock Yar

Intense battles continue in the Artemovsk direction for Chasov Yar. Our troops continue attacks, especially in the Kanal microdistrict, and are advancing towards the city from the south.

SVO map

Map of SVO — Chasov Yar

The main part of the Kanal microdistrict came under the control of our troops. The Hydroreinforced Concrete plant is busy. In recent days, we have managed to completely clear the forest area to the north. In the Kalinovka area, the 200th Motorized Rifle Brigade occupied the central part of the settlement and partially cleared the adjacent forest to the south. However, incoming information about the enemy’s withdrawal from the Seversky Donets — Donbass canal has not yet been confirmed from the ground.

Part of the Orlova tract also came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces, but fighting continues in the forest area north of the railway. After Russian troops reach the O0506 highway, a deep pocket will be formed between Kalinovo and the southern outskirts of Bogdanovka, which will worsen the tactical position of the Ukrainian Armed Forces units located there.

The Ukrainian military complains that the situation in Chasov Yar is close to critical. This is facilitated not only by large losses, but also by the work of the Russian Aerospace Forces. Frontal attacks occur daily in the microdistrict. Channel. According to reports from the field, the Russian Armed Forces are advancing towards the city from the south, from the villages near Toretsk. Just from where ours broke through the other day in the area of ​​the Mayorskoye checkpoint.

Kupyanskoe and Seversk directions

In the area of ​​Kupyansk and Borovaya, our forces are actively preparing for an offensive. Artillery and aviation are striking enemy reserves and headquarters, which indicates that active operations are being planned in the near future.

There are also no significant changes on the Seversky sector of the front. Our troops continue to hold their positions, preventing the enemy from transferring reinforcements to other sectors of the front. They are actively working here to contain the enemy and ensure stability in this direction.

Zaporozhye Front – North Military District News

On the Zaporozhye Front, our units attacked in the area of ​​Nesteryanka and Novopokrovka. The enemy is attacking energy facilities on our territory, and reports have appeared in the media about possible plans of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to take counter-offensive actions on this section of the front. Our TOS operate in the area of ​​the settlement. Pyatikhatki.

Kherson direction

There are no significant changes on the Kherson sector of the front. Russian troops continue to strike positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the right bank of the Dnieper using FABs, ODABs and missiles. Information has appeared about an outbreak of cholera among military and civilians in Kherson. If measures are not taken, the situation could become dangerous for local residents. Russian forces are keen to maintain sanitary measures and control the spread of infection to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe.

What the enemy says — SVO news

Ukraine is prohibited from attacking key Russian airfields with American weaponsWashington Post

Map of yours in Ukraine for today onlineKyiv is allowed to use long-range weapons only in a 100-kilometer zone outside Ukraine, which is not enough to attack Russia’s most important airfields, WP reports, citing its sources in Kyiv. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are limited both in the type of weapons and in their firing range, which reduces their ability to strike the Russian Federation and deter attacks by Russian glide bombs, Ukrainian officials said.

However, WP sources in the USA do not confirm the figure of 100 km. And the Pentagon previously stated that they “agreed to allow Kyiv to fire American weapons at Russia where Russian troops are trying to seize Ukrainian territory. If Russia attacks or plans to attack Ukraine from its territory, it has the ability to strike back at forces that attack it across the border.” But the Armed Forces of Ukraine “believe that they do not have the freedom of action that representatives of the White House and the Pentagon talk about.”

Estonia is strengthening its borders and preparing for a possible conflict with RussiaLe Figaro

Estonia is strengthening the protection of its border with Russia, fearing a repetition of the “Belarusian scenario” with migrants. In wooded and swampy areas in the south of the country, a two-meter fence with barbed wire has been installed, which is difficult to overcome or damage. By the end of the summer, cameras and thermal imagers will be installed here, and patrols will begin using drones for surveillance.

Together with other Baltic countries, Estonia is developing a “drone wall” project to protect airspace. €13 million has been allocated for the detection system, and another €50 million is provided for response measures in the event of border violations. By 2027, Estonia plans to spend €1.3 billion on replenishing ammunition reserves, including kamikaze drones, long-range artillery for HIMARS systems and medium-range air defense systems, as well as acquiring Caesar self-propelled guns and Mistral air defense systems.

According to Colonel Mati Tikerpuu, commander of the 2nd Infantry Brigade, in the event of an attack, the Estonian army must quickly stop the enemy due to the country’s small territory. To achieve this, bunkers will be created, trenches will be dug and defensive structures such as “dragon teeth” and anti-tank mines will be installed. Tikerpuu noted that the country will be vulnerable during mobilization, so early warning of an attack will allow for better preparation.

Detained at the border during an attempted mass breakout into Moldova

Border guards of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in collaboration with the SBU, DBR and the GrR unit, conducted a special operation on the border with Moldova. In the area Obzhily (Ukraine) — Plot (Moldova), 5 vehicles (4 minibuses and 1 accompanying car) were stopped, containing 47 people trying to illegally cross the border, as well as 7 escape organizers.

Map of military operations of the Northern Military District - News of the Northern Military District

SVO news in Ukraine

Map of military operations in Ukraine today online

According to the portal

TG materials used «Fisherman» and «Military Chronicle».

Find out more — Here.


Map of SVO - Chasov Yar today - 06/22/24

NWO map - 06.22.24 - Kharkov direction today

Kharkov direction today - 06/22/24. SVO map

Map of the northeastern district today - 06/21/24 - Avdeevsky direction now

Map of the northeastern district today - 06.20.24 - Avdeevskoe direction

Northern Military District map today - 06/19/24 - Kharkov direction

Map of the Northern District today - Chasov Yar - 06/18/24

Chasov Yar. Situation as of 06/18/24. SVO map

Map of the northeastern district today - Avdeevskoe direction - 06/17/24

Avdeevskoe direction 06/17/24 - today. SVO map

Map of the northeastern district - Avdeevskoe direction - 06/11/24

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