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The Crimean Ministry of Health told how the overhaul of an outpatient clinic in the Simferopol village of Molodezhnoye is going on

CrimeaPRESS reports:

At 552%, the overhaul of the medical outpatient clinic in the village. Youth Simferopol region. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Health of the Crimea

The money for the repair of the facility was allocated within the framework of the regional program for the modernization of primary health care of the national project «Healthcare». More than 23 million rubles are provided for the work.

The workers have already replaced the windows, completed the floor screed, and plastered the interior. Currently, electrical repairs are being completed, as well as work is being done on painting the facade and strengthening doorways , — said Yury Semenov, chief physician of the Simferopol Central Regional Clinical Hospital.

According to him, it is planned to complete the repair before the end 2022 of the year.

The activities implemented within the framework of the Healthcare national project will improve the conditions for providing primary health care to local residents. More than 4.5 thousand people are attached to the outpatient clinic in the Simferopol village of Molodezhnoye.

В минздраве Крыма рассказали, как проходит капремонт амбулатории в симферопольском поселке Молодежное

Photo: press service of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Crimea.

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